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Ho to add own piece of code in to the make file?


It's possible to add my own piece of code to the make file? I'm asking because I've already tried to add it, but after clicking the "Build" button, my code disappears!

PS - I want to add "Generate packed filesystem for serving Web UI".

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

If you generate a project in CubeIDE  as a makefile, or CMake, or have your own makefile - of course you can modify the makefile and add anything.

If you're using so called managed *external* builder - it is possible to add some "hooks" into automatically generated makefiles. Please refer to general Eclipse CDT documentation. Of course if you just edit the generated makefiles your changes will be lost. Much easier option - use pre- and post- build actions where you can run any commands, including scripts and makefies.