2022-05-12 1:23 PM
I have a problem with Nucleo STM32F401RE board. For unknown reason the board stopped communicating with PC in debug modes, STM32CubeProgrammer, giving the errors such as: "Error: No STM32 target found!". The PC recognizes the board when connected, however, the PC shows that the board has only 12kB of free space, and inside the drive it contains FAIL.txt file which says the following: "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU". I have tried the following to fix the problem (unsuccesfully):
Points worth mentioning:
Given that electronics components nowadays are facing a crisis, I would love to revive this board instead of waiting for a month for a new board.
2022-05-12 1:55 PM
Check the voltages to the chip.
Check voltages on VCAP capacitors.
Check level on NRST.
Do you have the skills to desolder and replace the STM32F401 device?
2022-05-12 2:20 PM
Thank you for your answer!
Do you mean replacing the MCU? Yes, I can.
Also, the Idd (measured on JP6) is 10-11mA.
2022-05-12 3:04 PM
VCAP1(30) should be around 1.20-1.25V on a working part
NRST should remain HIGH
2022-05-12 5:47 PM
Try setting both of these simultaneously:
2022-05-13 12:32 AM
Would replacing the mcu help?
2022-05-13 12:33 AM
Doesn’t help :(