2022-01-23 11:06 PM
I'm new to embedded programming and don't know how to deal with registers therefore I'm looking for a library that is readily available.
Thank you.
2022-01-28 10:31 AM
No data received on receiver end.
i've found one link on
it is for PIC microcontroller. They are doing same thing at register level using own functions (without 3rd party library file).
is it possible that we have faulty nRF modules.
2022-01-28 10:38 AM
i've found one link on quora for "nRF not working " at link
The article discuss some power supply issue.
might be helpful.
Please Update
2022-01-28 10:44 AM
from where you have purchased these modules and at what cost. it appears to me i've got cloned one of poor quality.
2022-01-29 8:40 AM
its working finally.
The CE pin was wrongly assigned.
Plz update your status.
2022-01-29 8:54 AM
just try to observe status of CE and CSN pin in DEBUG mode. i hope module is ok, it will work
2022-01-30 10:06 PM
Sorry no updates for two days it was weekend.
I'll checkout the links you've sent.
There seem to be no issue in the NRF modules I had bought them from a local market.
No new updates from my side.
2022-01-31 7:06 AM
i was little bit busy today, unable to check your message. just logged.
as i told you, its working now. i'm able to receive the data. its working perfectly.
Please check the following:
if convenient, you can call me at +919779379414.
2022-01-31 9:38 PM
I'll check out the points you've mentioned.
If you're free can you please try it out for more than 2 nucleos please.
Also have you figured out how data pipes and channels work? If yes, can you explain it to me?
Thank you already.
2022-01-31 11:53 PM
i don't have nucleo, but i'm using my own customized board.
it hardly matters which board you are using.
The workbench (IAR in my case), you are using is generating code according to you STM32 selection.
Regarding your second problem
NRF has one transmitter pipe and 6 receiver pipes.
Refer diagram 10 and 12 in NRF24 datasheet.
So, a receiver can receive data from six different transmitters.
The important point as per my understanding is, the receiver pipe whose address is matching with transmitted address will receive data.
you have to configure these address (TX pipe and RX pipe) in such a fashion
The function in program
NRF24_openReadingPipe(1, RxpipeAddrs);
is doing this part for RX side.
A similar function is there in TX side for assigning address.
Best wishes
2022-02-01 1:39 AM
How are you programming your customized board when you don't have nucleo or any other development board?
Also have you set auto ack on or off ?
Thanks for explaining data pipes thing briefly.