2022-07-26 5:10 AM
I'm using an STM32L051R8 in STOP mode with a 32.768KHz external crystal (LSE) that drives the RTC.
I have set the RTC to generate periodic wakeup interrupts every X seconds, It's working.
But I also want to wakeup using the external interrupt, whenever external interrupt generated by the LIS2DE12.
So, please help me how to do that.......
2022-07-26 5:35 AM
EXTI interrupt can wakeup the MCU. Configure a pin as EXIT and it should work. For detaiols see 6.3.6 Exiting low-power mode in the Ref.Man. and/or watch avideo (other MCU): https://youtu.be/UtQhc4XV8k4