2020-01-28 5:21 AM
I tried to add a DMA for my ADC on STM32F767ZI with 216MHz. I just want to convert one Channel. In my Interface a select circular mode, enabled DMA continuous request, enabled Continuous conversation mode. When I start the DMA, my Buffer get filled up to the 34463th place in my array. After that the Callbackfunktion for halfcomplete gets "activated" and then die complete Callback. Now my Questions, is there any chance to slow down the DMA, that the CPU can reach the halfcomplete Callback when DMA has filled half of my array?
I actually set the prescaler for PCLK2 in ADC Settings to 8 and the PCLK2 to just 13,5MHz.
2020-01-28 6:05 AM
DMA works moving the data from the ADC to your Memory Buffer, ifthe ADC convert the DATA Fast the DMA move your data Fast, if the ADC convert the DATA Slow the DMA move the data Slow
2020-01-28 9:38 AM
Slow down the ADC, not the DMA. DMA transfers data whenever ADC signals that a conversion is complete. There are two ways
2020-01-29 1:43 AM
Thanks for both advices.