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how to get 50 % duty cycle with complementry pulse

Ranjeet Singh

i want to generate 50 % duty cycle at freuency (100khz-200 KHz), but i am not getting 50% , i am getting 33-34% duty cycle.this duty cycle change when the frequency change.0693W00000aJBYaQAO.jpg0693W00000aJBZsQAO.png0693W00000aJBZTQA4.png0693W00000aJBMOQA4.png


yes ,thank you ,its done i have got 50 %


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Ranjeet Singh

i am using frequency (211Khz to 103Khz ) for inverter mosfet (STF24N60M2) FOR 1.2kw eV Chareger. in this project my duty cycle not maintain at 50% because i am using deadband .i want to maintain duty cycle same as it is for 211KHz same for 103Khz ,what minimum value of deadband i can putt ?,so that duty cycel will same and do not get short MOsfet ( deadband mandatory for mosfet EV circuit )

Ranjeet Singh

hi team

Chief II

 duty cycle can not be at 50% because using deadband - thats normal and no problem.

important is: ON time hi-side and lo-side need to be exactly same. thats important, not duty cycle = 50%.

dead time nobody can tell you, without measuring your inverter; you can decide yourself, by measuring the off and on delay of the output stage and then deadtime make a little bit longer, to be save for temperature drift and aging. too small deadtime you will see and hear instantly... :)

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