2020-11-25 12:31 PM
2020-11-25 3:33 PM
> I'm looking for a way of global search for a word in the project
Search -> File will let you search all files within the project/workspace/working set.
2020-11-25 1:02 PM
Always start your post with stating, which STM32 are you talking about.
This is consequence of ST being sloppy in generating the header files. Read the header to find out where does EXTI_Dx map (offset against EXTI address) and then look into the RM to identify to which group of registers they belong.
PS. @Imen DAHMEN can please the header files be generally cleaned up and get in sync with the naming in the RMs? This one is probably 'H7.
2020-11-25 1:35 PM
Yes, it is good to define the family name I use,
You are right, It is H7, I'm using stm32cubeIDE, I'm looking for a way of global search for a word in the project, currently I have to open every file to find what I need,
These registers are not explained in the user guide or in the HAL liberary, they seem to be used for register "EXTI_CPUPR1"
2020-11-25 3:33 PM
> I'm looking for a way of global search for a word in the project
Search -> File will let you search all files within the project/workspace/working set.
2020-11-26 3:13 AM
Hello All,
Please note that your feedback is reported internally to take the necessary action.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for helping us improve our products.
2020-11-26 11:15 AM
Thanks, Imen.
2020-11-26 12:39 PM
stm32, H7, stm32CubeIDE
Yes, I found it
2020-11-26 11:20 PM
[STM32, H7, Stm32CubeIDE]
I searched all the project files for these words :
It is shown under Dual Core comments, that's why I couldn't find any of them in the user manual of my MCU I use which is single core, but the strange thing is that the compiler accept it without any error or even warning.
EXTI_CPUPR1 (External interrupt Priority register), I searched for, but no reference, it seems to be inaccessible.