2024-10-16 12:52 AM
I'm using the H733 (custom board) / H735 (eval kit) with Infineon's HyperRAM S70KL1281 / S70KL1282 at 100 MHz for some time now, all working great, except for one thing that is very annoying:
I'm pretty sure that it's not "faulty" timing measurements, using the cycle counter and disabling all interrupt calls around the for loops.
Here's the test function, first writing to HyperRAM, then reading:
/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* OCTOSPI HyperRAM test
uint32_t OspiHypRamTest(uint8_t u8CountDown)
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32_t u32MaxLen = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / 4);
uint32_t u32Errors = 0;
uint32_t u32Data = 0;
uint32_t u32CycStart = 0;
uint32_t u32Cycles = 0;
float flClockMHz = (float)HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() / 1E6;
float flVal = 0.0f;
uint32_t *pu32MemAddr = NULL;
if( OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;
uart_printf("OCTOSPI HyperRAM test, memory mapped, IRQs OFF\n\rcounting ");
if( 0 == u8CountDown ) uart_printf("UP, start with 0\n\r\n\r");
else uart_printf("DOWN, start with %08lX\n\r\n\r", u32Val);
uart_printf("writing bytes: %lu\n\r", (uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR);
/* write complete HyperRAM */
/* UP - should be faster */
if( 0 == u8CountDown )
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
pu32MemAddr[i] = i;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
/* DOWN */
u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
pu32MemAddr[i] = u32Val;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;
uart_printf("%lu CPU cycles = %.1f ms\n\r", u32Cycles, (flVal / 1000.0f));
uart_printf("\n\r-> %.2f MB/s (%.0f Mbit/s) WRITE\n\r\n\r", flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr, (8.0f * flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr));
uart_printf("reading & comparing bytes: %lu\n\r", (uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR);
if( OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;
/* read complete HyperRAM and compare */
/* UP - should be faster */
if( 0 == u8CountDown )
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
u32Data = pu32MemAddr[i];
if( u32Data != i ) u32Errors++;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
/* DOWN */
u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
u32Data = pu32MemAddr[i];
if( u32Data != (u32Val - i) ) u32Errors++;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;
uart_printf("%lu CPU cycles = %.1f ms\n\r", u32Cycles, (flVal / 1000.0f));
uart_printf("\n\r-> %.2f MB/s (%.0f Mbit/s) READ\n\r", flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd, (8.0f * flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd));
if( 0 == u32Errors ) uart_printf("\n\rNULL errors\n\r");
else uart_printf("\n\r# ERR: u32Errors = %lu\n\r", u32Errors);
return u32Errors;
Anybody any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
2024-10-18 9:29 AM
Dear @LCE ,
this is a follow-up can you change all of your variables and buffer of data to have 64-bits wide instead of a word by this
uint64_t instead of uint32_t
and let us know if now the compilation is stable . The idea is to use maximum optimized width for the AXI bus where the OctoSPI is connected.
Hope it helps ,
2024-10-20 11:57 PM
Hello @STOne-32 ,
thanks for taking a look at this!
So, right now I get these results:
counting UP:
Read = 144.61 MB/s
Write = 58.69 MB/s for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ ) pu32MemAddr[i] = i;
counting DOWN:
Read = 54.50 MB/s
Write = 179.32 MB/s
I would have expected the results to be the other way round...
Because Write UP is simply: for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ ) pu32MemAddr[i] = i;
And in the list file that's only 4 lines of assembler (also only 4 lines for write DOWN)
Here's the list file part with the function OspiHypRamTest(uint8_t u8CountDown)
080523b0 <OspiHypRamTest>:
80523b0: b538 push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
80523b2: 4604 mov r4, r0
80523b4: f01d fa74 bl 806f8a0 <HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq>
80523b8: ee07 0a90 vmov s15, r0
80523bc: 4d4c ldr r5, [pc, #304] ; (80524f0 <OspiHypRamTest+0x140>)
80523be: 4a4d ldr r2, [pc, #308] ; (80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>)
80523c0: eeb8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s14, s15
80523c4: 682b ldr r3, [r5, #0]
80523c6: ed9f 6b48 vldr d6, [pc, #288] ; 80524e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x138>
80523ca: eeb7 7ac7 vcvt.f64.f32 d7, s14
80523ce: 4293 cmp r3, r2
80523d0: ee27 7b06 vmul.f64 d7, d7, d6
80523d4: eeb7 7bc7 vcvt.f32.f64 s14, d7
80523d8: d07f beq.n 80524da <OspiHypRamTest+0x12a> ; load address of OCTOSPI 1
80523da: f502 42a0 add.w r2, r2, #20480 ; 0x5000
80523de: 4293 cmp r3, r2
80523e0: bf0c ite eq
80523e2: f04f 42e0 moveq.w r2, #1879048192 ; 0x70000000 OCTOSPI 2 unused
80523e6: 2200 movne r2, #0
80523e8: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
; WRITE loops in between cpsid / cpsie
80523ec: b672 cpsid i
80523ee: 4b42 ldr r3, [pc, #264] ; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
80523f0: 3a04 subs r2, #4
80523f2: 6858 ldr r0, [r3, #4]
80523f4: 4611 mov r1, r2
80523f6: 2c00 cmp r4, #0
80523f8: d165 bne.n 80524c6 <OspiHypRamTest+0x116> ; u8CountDown != 0, jump to write DOWN
80523fa: 4623 mov r3, r4
; write UP loop
80523fc: f841 3f04 str.w r3, [r1, #4]!
8052400: 3301 adds r3, #1
8052402: f5b3 0f80 cmp.w r3, #4194304 ; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
8052406: d1f9 bne.n 80523fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x4c>
8052408: f3bf 8f5f dmb sy
805240c: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
8052410: 4b39 ldr r3, [pc, #228] ; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
8052412: 685b ldr r3, [r3, #4]
8052414: b662 cpsie i
; WRITE end
8052416: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
805241a: 1a1b subs r3, r3, r0
805241c: ed9f 6a37 vldr s12, [pc, #220] ; 80524fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x14c>
8052420: eddf 6a37 vldr s13, [pc, #220] ; 8052500 <OspiHypRamTest+0x150>
8052424: ee07 3a90 vmov s15, r3
8052428: 4936 ldr r1, [pc, #216] ; (8052504 <OspiHypRamTest+0x154>)
805242a: ee27 7a26 vmul.f32 s14, s14, s13
805242e: eef8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s15, s15
8052432: eec6 6a27 vdiv.f32 s13, s12, s15
8052436: ee66 7a87 vmul.f32 s15, s13, s14
805243a: edc1 7a00 vstr s15, [r1]
805243e: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
8052442: 492c ldr r1, [pc, #176] ; (80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>)
8052444: 682b ldr r3, [r5, #0]
8052446: 428b cmp r3, r1
8052448: d04a beq.n 80524e0 <OspiHypRamTest+0x130>
805244a: 482f ldr r0, [pc, #188] ; (8052508 <OspiHypRamTest+0x158>)
805244c: 492f ldr r1, [pc, #188] ; (805250c <OspiHypRamTest+0x15c>)
805244e: 4283 cmp r3, r0
8052450: bf08 it eq
8052452: 460a moveq r2, r1
; READ & compare loops in between cpsid / cpsie
8052454: b672 cpsid i
8052456: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
805245a: bb1c cbnz r4, 80524a4 <OspiHypRamTest+0xf4> ; u8CountDown != 0, jump to read DOWN
805245c: 4b26 ldr r3, [pc, #152] ; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
805245e: 4620 mov r0, r4
8052460: 685c ldr r4, [r3, #4]
8052462: 4603 mov r3, r0
; read & compare UP loop
8052464: f852 1f04 ldr.w r1, [r2, #4]!
8052468: 4299 cmp r1, r3
805246a: f103 0301 add.w r3, r3, #1
805246e: bf18 it ne
8052470: 3001 addne r0, #1
8052472: f5b3 0f80 cmp.w r3, #4194304 ; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
8052476: d1f5 bne.n 8052464 <OspiHypRamTest+0xb4>
8052478: f3bf 8f5f dmb sy
805247c: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
8052480: 4b1d ldr r3, [pc, #116] ; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
8052482: 685b ldr r3, [r3, #4]
8052484: b662 cpsie i
; READ & compare end
8052486: 1b1b subs r3, r3, r4
8052488: ed9f 6a1c vldr s12, [pc, #112] ; 80524fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x14c>
805248c: 4a20 ldr r2, [pc, #128] ; (8052510 <OspiHypRamTest+0x160>)
805248e: ee07 3a90 vmov s15, r3
8052492: eef8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s15, s15
8052496: eec6 6a27 vdiv.f32 s13, s12, s15
805249a: ee26 7a87 vmul.f32 s14, s13, s14
805249e: ed82 7a00 vstr s14, [r2]
80524a2: bd38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
; read & compare prepare
80524a4: 4914 ldr r1, [pc, #80] ; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
80524a6: f04f 33ff mov.w r3, #4294967295 ; 0xFFFFFFFF
80524aa: 2000 movs r0, #0
80524ac: f46f 0c80 mvn.w ip, #4194304 ; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
80524b0: 684c ldr r4, [r1, #4]
; read & compare DOWN loop
80524b2: f852 1f04 ldr.w r1, [r2, #4]!
80524b6: 4299 cmp r1, r3
80524b8: f103 33ff add.w r3, r3, #4294967295 ; 0xFFFFFFFF
80524bc: bf18 it ne
80524be: 3001 addne r0, #1
80524c0: 4563 cmp r3, ip
80524c2: d1f6 bne.n 80524b2 <OspiHypRamTest+0x102>
80524c4: e7d8 b.n 8052478 <OspiHypRamTest+0xc8> ; back to end of read
80524c6: f04f 33ff mov.w r3, #4294967295 ; 0xFFFFFFFF
80524ca: f46f 0c80 mvn.w ip, #4194304 ; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
; write DOWN loop
80524ce: f841 3f04 str.w r3, [r1, #4]!
80524d2: 3b01 subs r3, #1
80524d4: 4563 cmp r3, ip
80524d6: d1fa bne.n 80524ce <OspiHypRamTest+0x11e>
80524d8: e796 b.n 8052408 <OspiHypRamTest+0x58> ; back to end of write
80524da: f04f 4210 mov.w r2, #2415919104 ; 0x90000000 OCTOSPI 1 with HyperRAM
80524de: e783 b.n 80523e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x38> ; back
80524e0: 4a0c ldr r2, [pc, #48] ; (8052514 <OspiHypRamTest+0x164>)
80524e2: e7b7 b.n 8052454 <OspiHypRamTest+0xa4> ; back to 1st loop
80524e4: f3af 8000 nop.w
80524e8: a0b5ed8d .word 0xa0b5ed8d
80524ec: 3eb0c6f7 .word 0x3eb0c6f7
80524f0: 24002cbc .word 0x24002cbc
80524f4: 52005000 .word 0x52005000
80524f8: e0001000 .word 0xe0001000
80524fc: 4b800000 .word 0x4b800000
8052500: 3f742400 .word 0x3f742400
8052504: 24002bfc .word 0x24002bfc
8052508: 5200a000 .word 0x5200a000
805250c: 6ffffffc .word 0x6ffffffc
8052510: 24002bf8 .word 0x24002bf8
8052514: 8ffffffc .word 0x8ffffffc
2024-10-20 11:58 PM
... including some comments.
I didn't find the option to select "assembler" for source code posting.
2024-10-21 12:29 AM
I just found that I had set the alignment of the HyperRAM in the linker filer to "ALIGN(8)" = 64 bit.
I changed it to ALIGN(4) - and it didn't change anything.
2024-10-21 12:32 AM
so here are the results of the 64 bit version (including ALIGN(8) in .ld):
HyperRAM speed:
Read = 113.10 MB/s
Write = 117.38 MB/s
Read = 105.42 MB/s
Write = 179.32 MB/s
/* 64 bit version */
uint64_t i = 0;
uint64_t u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint64_t u64MaxLen = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / 8);
uint64_t u64Data = 0;
uint64_t *pu64MemAddr = NULL;
uint32_t u32CycStart = 0;
uint32_t u32Cycles = 0;
float flClockMHz = (float)HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() / 1E6;
float flVal = 0.0f;
uint32_t u32Errors = 0;
if( OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* WRITE complete HyperRAM */
/* UP - should be faster */
if( 0 == u8CountDown )
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
pu64MemAddr[i] = i;
/* DOWN */
u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
pu64MemAddr[i] = u64Val;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
/* WRITE speed calculation */
u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;
if( OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* READ & CHECK */
/* UP - should be faster */
if( 0 == u8CountDown )
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
u64Data = pu64MemAddr[i];
if( u64Data != i ) u32Errors++;
/* DOWN */
u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
u64Data = pu64MemAddr[i];
if( u64Data != (u64Val - i) ) u32Errors++;
u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
/* READ speed calculation */
u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;
2024-10-21 12:33 AM
And here's the list file:
080523b0 <OspiHypRamTest>:
80523b0: b5f8 push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
80523b2: 4605 mov r5, r0
80523b4: f01d fa94 bl 806f8e0 <HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq>
80523b8: ee07 0a90 vmov s15, r0
80523bc: 4e5c ldr r6, [pc, #368] ; (8052530 <OspiHypRamTest+0x180>)
80523be: 4a5d ldr r2, [pc, #372] ; (8052534 <OspiHypRamTest+0x184>)
80523c0: eeb8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s14, s15
80523c4: 6833 ldr r3, [r6, #0]
80523c6: ed9f 6b58 vldr d6, [pc, #352] ; 8052528 <OspiHypRamTest+0x178>
80523ca: eeb7 7ac7 vcvt.f64.f32 d7, s14
80523ce: 4293 cmp r3, r2
80523d0: ee27 7b06 vmul.f64 d7, d7, d6
80523d4: eeb7 7bc7 vcvt.f32.f64 s14, d7
80523d8: f000 809f beq.w 805251a <OspiHypRamTest+0x16a>
80523dc: 4956 ldr r1, [pc, #344] ; (8052538 <OspiHypRamTest+0x188>)
80523de: 428b cmp r3, r1
80523e0: bf0c ite eq
80523e2: f04f 41e0 moveq.w r1, #1879048192 ; 0x70000000
80523e6: 2100 movne r1, #0
80523e8: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
80523ec: b672 cpsid i
80523ee: 4b53 ldr r3, [pc, #332] ; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
80523f0: 3908 subs r1, #8
80523f2: 685f ldr r7, [r3, #4]
80523f4: 468c mov ip, r1
80523f6: 2d00 cmp r5, #0
80523f8: d17c bne.n 80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>
80523fa: 462b mov r3, r5
80523fc: 462a mov r2, r5
80523fe: 1c5c adds r4, r3, #1
8052400: f84c 3f08 str.w r3, [ip, #8]!
8052404: f8cc 2004 str.w r2, [ip, #4]
8052408: 4623 mov r3, r4
805240a: f142 0200 adc.w r2, r2, #0
805240e: f5a4 1400 sub.w r4, r4, #2097152 ; 0x200000
8052412: ea54 0002 orrs.w r0, r4, r2
8052416: d1f2 bne.n 80523fe <OspiHypRamTest+0x4e>
8052418: f3bf 8f5f dmb sy
805241c: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
8052420: 4b46 ldr r3, [pc, #280] ; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
8052422: 685b ldr r3, [r3, #4]
8052424: b662 cpsie i
8052426: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
805242a: 1bdb subs r3, r3, r7
805242c: ed9f 6a44 vldr s12, [pc, #272] ; 8052540 <OspiHypRamTest+0x190>
8052430: eddf 6a44 vldr s13, [pc, #272] ; 8052544 <OspiHypRamTest+0x194>
8052434: ee07 3a90 vmov s15, r3
8052438: 4a43 ldr r2, [pc, #268] ; (8052548 <OspiHypRamTest+0x198>)
805243a: ee27 7a26 vmul.f32 s14, s14, s13
805243e: eef8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s15, s15
8052442: eec6 6a27 vdiv.f32 s13, s12, s15
8052446: ee66 7a87 vmul.f32 s15, s13, s14
805244a: edc2 7a00 vstr s15, [r2]
805244e: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
8052452: 4a38 ldr r2, [pc, #224] ; (8052534 <OspiHypRamTest+0x184>)
8052454: 6833 ldr r3, [r6, #0]
8052456: 4293 cmp r3, r2
8052458: d062 beq.n 8052520 <OspiHypRamTest+0x170>
805245a: f502 42a0 add.w r2, r2, #20480 ; 0x5000
805245e: 483b ldr r0, [pc, #236] ; (805254c <OspiHypRamTest+0x19c>)
8052460: 4293 cmp r3, r2
8052462: bf08 it eq
8052464: 4601 moveq r1, r0
8052466: b672 cpsid i
8052468: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
805246c: bb4d cbnz r5, 80524c2 <OspiHypRamTest+0x112>
805246e: 4628 mov r0, r5
8052470: 4b32 ldr r3, [pc, #200] ; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
8052472: 4602 mov r2, r0
8052474: 685d ldr r5, [r3, #4]
8052476: 4603 mov r3, r0
8052478: f851 6f08 ldr.w r6, [r1, #8]!
805247c: 684c ldr r4, [r1, #4]
805247e: 42a2 cmp r2, r4
8052480: bf08 it eq
8052482: 42b3 cmpeq r3, r6
8052484: bf18 it ne
8052486: 3001 addne r0, #1
8052488: 3301 adds r3, #1
805248a: f142 0200 adc.w r2, r2, #0
805248e: f5a3 1400 sub.w r4, r3, #2097152 ; 0x200000
8052492: 4314 orrs r4, r2
8052494: d1f0 bne.n 8052478 <OspiHypRamTest+0xc8>
8052496: f3bf 8f5f dmb sy
805249a: f3bf 8f4f dsb sy
805249e: 4b27 ldr r3, [pc, #156] ; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
80524a0: 685b ldr r3, [r3, #4]
80524a2: b662 cpsie i
80524a4: 1b5b subs r3, r3, r5
80524a6: ed9f 6a26 vldr s12, [pc, #152] ; 8052540 <OspiHypRamTest+0x190>
80524aa: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (8052550 <OspiHypRamTest+0x1a0>)
80524ac: ee07 3a90 vmov s15, r3
80524b0: eef8 7a67 vcvt.f32.u32 s15, s15
80524b4: eec6 6a27 vdiv.f32 s13, s12, s15
80524b8: ee26 7a87 vmul.f32 s14, s13, s14
80524bc: ed82 7a00 vstr s14, [r2]
80524c0: bdf8 pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
80524c2: 2200 movs r2, #0
80524c4: 481d ldr r0, [pc, #116] ; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
80524c6: f04f 33ff mov.w r3, #4294967295
80524ca: f46f 1c00 mvn.w ip, #2097152 ; 0x200000
80524ce: 6845 ldr r5, [r0, #4]
80524d0: 4616 mov r6, r2
80524d2: 4610 mov r0, r2
80524d4: f851 4f08 ldr.w r4, [r1, #8]!
80524d8: 684f ldr r7, [r1, #4]
80524da: 42ba cmp r2, r7
80524dc: bf08 it eq
80524de: 42a3 cmpeq r3, r4
80524e0: bf18 it ne
80524e2: 3001 addne r0, #1
80524e4: 3b01 subs r3, #1
80524e6: f162 0200 sbc.w r2, r2, #0
80524ea: 42b2 cmp r2, r6
80524ec: bf08 it eq
80524ee: 4563 cmpeq r3, ip
80524f0: d1f0 bne.n 80524d4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x124>
80524f2: e7d0 b.n 8052496 <OspiHypRamTest+0xe6>
80524f4: 2200 movs r2, #0
80524f6: f04f 33ff mov.w r3, #4294967295
80524fa: f46f 1e00 mvn.w lr, #2097152 ; 0x200000
80524fe: 4610 mov r0, r2
8052500: 1e5c subs r4, r3, #1
8052502: f84c 3f08 str.w r3, [ip, #8]!
8052506: f8cc 2004 str.w r2, [ip, #4]
805250a: f162 0200 sbc.w r2, r2, #0
805250e: 4623 mov r3, r4
8052510: 4282 cmp r2, r0
8052512: bf08 it eq
8052514: 4574 cmpeq r4, lr
8052516: d1f3 bne.n 8052500 <OspiHypRamTest+0x150>
8052518: e77e b.n 8052418 <OspiHypRamTest+0x68>
805251a: f04f 4110 mov.w r1, #2415919104 ; 0x90000000
805251e: e763 b.n 80523e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x38>
8052520: 490c ldr r1, [pc, #48] ; (8052554 <OspiHypRamTest+0x1a4>)
8052522: e7a0 b.n 8052466 <OspiHypRamTest+0xb6>
8052524: f3af 8000 nop.w
8052528: a0b5ed8d .word 0xa0b5ed8d
805252c: 3eb0c6f7 .word 0x3eb0c6f7
8052530: 24002cbc .word 0x24002cbc
8052534: 52005000 .word 0x52005000
8052538: 5200a000 .word 0x5200a000
805253c: e0001000 .word 0xe0001000
8052540: 4b800000 .word 0x4b800000
8052544: 3f742400 .word 0x3f742400
8052548: 24002bfc .word 0x24002bfc
805254c: 6ffffff8 .word 0x6ffffff8
8052550: 24002bf8 .word 0x24002bf8
8052554: 8ffffff8 .word 0x8ffffff8
2024-10-21 12:43 AM
My biggest worries were actually the different results after compilations, when I didn't touch anything concerning HyperRAM.
This is actually stable since I added that UART wait before starting the test loops.