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H7 OCTOSPI HyperRAM data throughput changing with compilation

Principal II


I'm using the H733 (custom board) / H735 (eval kit) with Infineon's HyperRAM S70KL1281 / S70KL1282 at 100 MHz for some time now, all working great, except for one thing that is very annoying:

  • the data throughput from / to HyperRAM seems to depend on compilation, even though the OCTOSPI peripheral was not changed
  • after some compilations it's about 178 Mbyte / s, after another only 54 MB/s.
  • data throughput is constant for one compilation, no matter if I call the test function at MCU power up or while operating with all other peripherals running
  • no caching anywhere

I'm pretty sure that it's not "faulty" timing measurements, using the cycle counter and disabling all interrupt calls around the for loops.

  • Is there something wrong in my test function?
  • Is it maybe "only" how the for loop / iteration is compiled?
  • right now I can't get it back to the high speed, so no map / list file
  • my scope here is too old and slow to check the signal lines

Here's the test function, first writing to HyperRAM, then reading:

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* OCTOSPI HyperRAM test
#define HYPER_TEST_UART		1

uint32_t OspiHypRamTest(uint8_t u8CountDown)
	uint32_t i = 0;
	uint32_t u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	uint32_t u32MaxLen = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / 4);
	uint32_t u32Errors = 0;
	uint32_t u32Data = 0;
	uint32_t u32CycStart = 0;
	uint32_t u32Cycles = 0;
	float flClockMHz = (float)HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() / 1E6;
	float flVal = 0.0f;
	uint32_t *pu32MemAddr = NULL;

	if( 	 OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
	else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;

	uart_printf("OCTOSPI HyperRAM test, memory mapped, IRQs OFF\n\rcounting ");
	if( 0 == u8CountDown ) uart_printf("UP, start with 0\n\r\n\r");
	else uart_printf("DOWN, start with %08lX\n\r\n\r", u32Val);

	uart_printf("writing bytes: %lu\n\r", (uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR);


/* write complete HyperRAM */
	/* UP - should be faster */
	if( 0 == u8CountDown )
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
			pu32MemAddr[i] = i;
		u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
	/* DOWN */
		u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
			pu32MemAddr[i] = u32Val;
		u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;


	u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;

	flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;

	uart_printf("%lu CPU cycles = %.1f ms\n\r", u32Cycles, (flVal / 1000.0f));
	uart_printf("\n\r-> %.2f MB/s (%.0f Mbit/s) WRITE\n\r\n\r", flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr, (8.0f * flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr));

	uart_printf("reading & comparing bytes: %lu\n\r", (uint32_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR);


	if( 	 OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
	else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu32MemAddr = (uint32_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;


/* read complete HyperRAM and compare */
	/* UP - should be faster */
	if( 0 == u8CountDown )
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
			u32Data = pu32MemAddr[i];
			if( u32Data != i ) u32Errors++;

		u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;
	/* DOWN */
		u32Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ )
			u32Data = pu32MemAddr[i];
			if( u32Data != (u32Val - i) ) u32Errors++;

		u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;

	u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;

	flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;

	uart_printf("%lu CPU cycles = %.1f ms\n\r", u32Cycles, (flVal / 1000.0f));
	uart_printf("\n\r-> %.2f MB/s (%.0f Mbit/s) READ\n\r", flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd, (8.0f * flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd));

	if( 0 == u32Errors ) uart_printf("\n\rNULL errors\n\r");
	else uart_printf("\n\r# ERR: u32Errors = %lu\n\r", u32Errors);

	return u32Errors;

Anybody any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

ST Employee

Dear @LCE ,

this is a follow-up can you change all of your variables and buffer of data to have 64-bits wide instead of a word by this 

uint64_t instead of uint32_t

and let us know if now the compilation is stable . The idea is to use maximum optimized width for the AXI bus where the OctoSPI is connected.

Hope it helps ,



Principal II

Hello @STOne-32 ,

thanks for taking a look at this!

So, right now I get these results:

counting UP:
Read = 144.61 MB/s
Write = 58.69 MB/s          for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ ) pu32MemAddr[i] = i;


counting DOWN:
Read = 54.50 MB/s
Write = 179.32 MB/s

I would have expected the results to be the other way round...

Because Write UP is simply:  for( i = 0; i < u32MaxLen; i++ ) pu32MemAddr[i] = i;
And in the list file that's only 4 lines of assembler (also only 4 lines for write DOWN)

Here's the list file part with the function OspiHypRamTest(uint8_t u8CountDown)

080523b0 <OspiHypRamTest>:
 80523b0:	b538      	push	{r3, r4, r5, lr}
 80523b2:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
 80523b4:	f01d fa74 	bl	806f8a0 <HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq>
 80523b8:	ee07 0a90 	vmov	s15, r0
 80523bc:	4d4c      	ldr	r5, [pc, #304]	; (80524f0 <OspiHypRamTest+0x140>)
 80523be:	4a4d      	ldr	r2, [pc, #308]	; (80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>)
 80523c0:	eeb8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s14, s15
 80523c4:	682b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #0]
 80523c6:	ed9f 6b48 	vldr	d6, [pc, #288]	; 80524e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x138>
 80523ca:	eeb7 7ac7 	vcvt.f64.f32	d7, s14
 80523ce:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
 80523d0:	ee27 7b06 	vmul.f64	d7, d7, d6
 80523d4:	eeb7 7bc7 	vcvt.f32.f64	s14, d7
 80523d8:	d07f      	beq.n	80524da <OspiHypRamTest+0x12a>	; load address of OCTOSPI 1
 80523da:	f502 42a0 	add.w	r2, r2, #20480	; 0x5000
 80523de:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
 80523e0:	bf0c      	ite	eq
 80523e2:	f04f 42e0 	moveq.w	r2, #1879048192	; 0x70000000 OCTOSPI 2 unused
 80523e6:	2200      	movne	r2, #0
 80523e8:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
; WRITE loops in between cpsid / cpsie
 80523ec:	b672      	cpsid	i
 80523ee:	4b42      	ldr	r3, [pc, #264]	; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
 80523f0:	3a04      	subs	r2, #4
 80523f2:	6858      	ldr	r0, [r3, #4]
 80523f4:	4611      	mov	r1, r2
 80523f6:	2c00      	cmp	r4, #0
 80523f8:	d165      	bne.n	80524c6 <OspiHypRamTest+0x116>		; u8CountDown != 0, jump to write DOWN
 80523fa:	4623      	mov	r3, r4
; write UP loop
 80523fc:	f841 3f04 	str.w	r3, [r1, #4]!
 8052400:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
 8052402:	f5b3 0f80 	cmp.w	r3, #4194304	; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
 8052406:	d1f9      	bne.n	80523fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x4c>
 8052408:	f3bf 8f5f 	dmb	sy
 805240c:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 8052410:	4b39      	ldr	r3, [pc, #228]	; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
 8052412:	685b      	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
 8052414:	b662      	cpsie	i
; WRITE end
 8052416:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 805241a:	1a1b      	subs	r3, r3, r0
 805241c:	ed9f 6a37 	vldr	s12, [pc, #220]	; 80524fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x14c>
 8052420:	eddf 6a37 	vldr	s13, [pc, #220]	; 8052500 <OspiHypRamTest+0x150>
 8052424:	ee07 3a90 	vmov	s15, r3
 8052428:	4936      	ldr	r1, [pc, #216]	; (8052504 <OspiHypRamTest+0x154>)
 805242a:	ee27 7a26 	vmul.f32	s14, s14, s13
 805242e:	eef8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s15, s15
 8052432:	eec6 6a27 	vdiv.f32	s13, s12, s15
 8052436:	ee66 7a87 	vmul.f32	s15, s13, s14
 805243a:	edc1 7a00 	vstr	s15, [r1]
 805243e:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 8052442:	492c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #176]	; (80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>)
 8052444:	682b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #0]
 8052446:	428b      	cmp	r3, r1
 8052448:	d04a      	beq.n	80524e0 <OspiHypRamTest+0x130>
 805244a:	482f      	ldr	r0, [pc, #188]	; (8052508 <OspiHypRamTest+0x158>)
 805244c:	492f      	ldr	r1, [pc, #188]	; (805250c <OspiHypRamTest+0x15c>)
 805244e:	4283      	cmp	r3, r0
 8052450:	bf08      	it	eq
 8052452:	460a      	moveq	r2, r1

; READ & compare loops in between cpsid / cpsie
 8052454:	b672      	cpsid	i
 8052456:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 805245a:	bb1c      	cbnz	r4, 80524a4 <OspiHypRamTest+0xf4>		; u8CountDown != 0, jump to read DOWN
 805245c:	4b26      	ldr	r3, [pc, #152]	; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
 805245e:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
 8052460:	685c      	ldr	r4, [r3, #4]
 8052462:	4603      	mov	r3, r0
; read & compare UP loop
 8052464:	f852 1f04 	ldr.w	r1, [r2, #4]!
 8052468:	4299      	cmp	r1, r3
 805246a:	f103 0301 	add.w	r3, r3, #1
 805246e:	bf18      	it	ne
 8052470:	3001      	addne	r0, #1
 8052472:	f5b3 0f80 	cmp.w	r3, #4194304	; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
 8052476:	d1f5      	bne.n	8052464 <OspiHypRamTest+0xb4>
 8052478:	f3bf 8f5f 	dmb	sy
 805247c:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 8052480:	4b1d      	ldr	r3, [pc, #116]	; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
 8052482:	685b      	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
 8052484:	b662      	cpsie	i
; READ & compare end
 8052486:	1b1b      	subs	r3, r3, r4
 8052488:	ed9f 6a1c 	vldr	s12, [pc, #112]	; 80524fc <OspiHypRamTest+0x14c>
 805248c:	4a20      	ldr	r2, [pc, #128]	; (8052510 <OspiHypRamTest+0x160>)
 805248e:	ee07 3a90 	vmov	s15, r3
 8052492:	eef8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s15, s15
 8052496:	eec6 6a27 	vdiv.f32	s13, s12, s15
 805249a:	ee26 7a87 	vmul.f32	s14, s13, s14
 805249e:	ed82 7a00 	vstr	s14, [r2]
 80524a2:	bd38      	pop	{r3, r4, r5, pc}
; read & compare prepare
80524a4:	4914      	ldr	r1, [pc, #80]	; (80524f8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x148>) DWT->CYCCNT
 80524a6:	f04f 33ff 	mov.w	r3, #4294967295		; 0xFFFFFFFF
 80524aa:	2000      	movs	r0, #0
 80524ac:	f46f 0c80 	mvn.w	ip, #4194304		; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
 80524b0:	684c      	ldr	r4, [r1, #4]
; read & compare DOWN loop
 80524b2:	f852 1f04 	ldr.w	r1, [r2, #4]!
 80524b6:	4299      	cmp	r1, r3
 80524b8:	f103 33ff 	add.w	r3, r3, #4294967295	; 0xFFFFFFFF
 80524bc:	bf18      	it	ne
 80524be:	3001      	addne	r0, #1
 80524c0:	4563      	cmp	r3, ip
 80524c2:	d1f6      	bne.n	80524b2 <OspiHypRamTest+0x102>
 80524c4:	e7d8      	b.n	8052478 <OspiHypRamTest+0xc8>	; back to end of read
 80524c6:	f04f 33ff 	mov.w	r3, #4294967295		; 0xFFFFFFFF
 80524ca:	f46f 0c80 	mvn.w	ip, #4194304		; 0x400000 memory size in 32b
; write DOWN loop
 80524ce:	f841 3f04 	str.w	r3, [r1, #4]!
 80524d2:	3b01      	subs	r3, #1
 80524d4:	4563      	cmp	r3, ip
 80524d6:	d1fa      	bne.n	80524ce <OspiHypRamTest+0x11e>
 80524d8:	e796      	b.n	8052408 <OspiHypRamTest+0x58>	; back to end of write
 80524da:	f04f 4210 	mov.w	r2, #2415919104	; 0x90000000	OCTOSPI 1 with HyperRAM
 80524de:	e783      	b.n	80523e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x38>		; back
 80524e0:	4a0c      	ldr	r2, [pc, #48]	; (8052514 <OspiHypRamTest+0x164>)
 80524e2:	e7b7      	b.n	8052454 <OspiHypRamTest+0xa4>		; back to 1st loop
 80524e4:	f3af 8000 	nop.w
 80524e8:	a0b5ed8d 	.word	0xa0b5ed8d
 80524ec:	3eb0c6f7 	.word	0x3eb0c6f7
 80524f0:	24002cbc 	.word	0x24002cbc
 80524f4:	52005000 	.word	0x52005000
 80524f8:	e0001000 	.word	0xe0001000
 80524fc:	4b800000 	.word	0x4b800000
 8052500:	3f742400 	.word	0x3f742400
 8052504:	24002bfc 	.word	0x24002bfc
 8052508:	5200a000 	.word	0x5200a000
 805250c:	6ffffffc 	.word	0x6ffffffc
 8052510:	24002bf8 	.word	0x24002bf8
 8052514:	8ffffffc 	.word	0x8ffffffc


Principal II

... including some comments.

I didn't find the option to select "assembler" for source code posting.

Principal II

I just found that I had set the alignment of the HyperRAM in the linker filer to "ALIGN(8)" = 64 bit.

I changed it to ALIGN(4) - and it didn't change anything.

Principal II


so here are the results of the 64 bit version (including ALIGN(8) in .ld):

HyperRAM speed:

Read = 113.10 MB/s
Write = 117.38 MB/s


Read = 105.42 MB/s
Write = 179.32 MB/s

/* 64 bit version */
	uint64_t i = 0;
	uint64_t u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	uint64_t u64MaxLen = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / 8);
	uint64_t u64Data = 0;
	uint64_t *pu64MemAddr = NULL;

	uint32_t u32CycStart = 0;
	uint32_t u32Cycles = 0;
	float flClockMHz = (float)HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() / 1E6;
	float flVal = 0.0f;
	uint32_t u32Errors = 0;

	if( 	 OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
	else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* WRITE complete HyperRAM */


	/* UP - should be faster */
	if( 0 == u8CountDown )
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
			pu64MemAddr[i] = i;
	/* DOWN */
		u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
			pu64MemAddr[i] = u64Val;

	u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;


	/* WRITE speed calculation */
	u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
	flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmWr *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;


	if( 	 OCTOSPI1 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI1_BASE;
	else if( OCTOSPI2 == pOspiHypRam ) pu64MemAddr = (uint64_t *)OCTOSPI2_BASE;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* READ & CHECK */


	/* UP - should be faster */
	if( 0 == u8CountDown )
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
			u64Data = pu64MemAddr[i];
			if( u64Data != i ) u32Errors++;
	/* DOWN */
		u64Val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		u32CycStart = DWT->CYCCNT;
		for( i = 0; i < u64MaxLen; i++ )
			u64Data = pu64MemAddr[i];
			if( u64Data != (u64Val - i) ) u32Errors++;

	u32Cycles = DWT->CYCCNT;


	/* READ speed calculation */
	u32Cycles -= u32CycStart;
	flVal = (float)u32Cycles / flClockMHz;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd = (float)OSPI_HYPERRAM_END_ADDR / flVal;
	flOspiRamSpeedMBpsMmRd *= (float)MEGA_CORRECTION;
Principal II

And here's the list file:

080523b0 <OspiHypRamTest>:
 80523b0:	b5f8      	push	{r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
 80523b2:	4605      	mov	r5, r0
 80523b4:	f01d fa94 	bl	806f8e0 <HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq>
 80523b8:	ee07 0a90 	vmov	s15, r0
 80523bc:	4e5c      	ldr	r6, [pc, #368]	; (8052530 <OspiHypRamTest+0x180>)
 80523be:	4a5d      	ldr	r2, [pc, #372]	; (8052534 <OspiHypRamTest+0x184>)
 80523c0:	eeb8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s14, s15
 80523c4:	6833      	ldr	r3, [r6, #0]
 80523c6:	ed9f 6b58 	vldr	d6, [pc, #352]	; 8052528 <OspiHypRamTest+0x178>
 80523ca:	eeb7 7ac7 	vcvt.f64.f32	d7, s14
 80523ce:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
 80523d0:	ee27 7b06 	vmul.f64	d7, d7, d6
 80523d4:	eeb7 7bc7 	vcvt.f32.f64	s14, d7
 80523d8:	f000 809f 	beq.w	805251a <OspiHypRamTest+0x16a>
 80523dc:	4956      	ldr	r1, [pc, #344]	; (8052538 <OspiHypRamTest+0x188>)
 80523de:	428b      	cmp	r3, r1
 80523e0:	bf0c      	ite	eq
 80523e2:	f04f 41e0 	moveq.w	r1, #1879048192	; 0x70000000
 80523e6:	2100      	movne	r1, #0
 80523e8:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 80523ec:	b672      	cpsid	i
 80523ee:	4b53      	ldr	r3, [pc, #332]	; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
 80523f0:	3908      	subs	r1, #8
 80523f2:	685f      	ldr	r7, [r3, #4]
 80523f4:	468c      	mov	ip, r1
 80523f6:	2d00      	cmp	r5, #0
 80523f8:	d17c      	bne.n	80524f4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x144>
 80523fa:	462b      	mov	r3, r5
 80523fc:	462a      	mov	r2, r5
 80523fe:	1c5c      	adds	r4, r3, #1
 8052400:	f84c 3f08 	str.w	r3, [ip, #8]!
 8052404:	f8cc 2004 	str.w	r2, [ip, #4]
 8052408:	4623      	mov	r3, r4
 805240a:	f142 0200 	adc.w	r2, r2, #0
 805240e:	f5a4 1400 	sub.w	r4, r4, #2097152	; 0x200000
 8052412:	ea54 0002 	orrs.w	r0, r4, r2
 8052416:	d1f2      	bne.n	80523fe <OspiHypRamTest+0x4e>
 8052418:	f3bf 8f5f 	dmb	sy
 805241c:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 8052420:	4b46      	ldr	r3, [pc, #280]	; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
 8052422:	685b      	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
 8052424:	b662      	cpsie	i
 8052426:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 805242a:	1bdb      	subs	r3, r3, r7
 805242c:	ed9f 6a44 	vldr	s12, [pc, #272]	; 8052540 <OspiHypRamTest+0x190>
 8052430:	eddf 6a44 	vldr	s13, [pc, #272]	; 8052544 <OspiHypRamTest+0x194>
 8052434:	ee07 3a90 	vmov	s15, r3
 8052438:	4a43      	ldr	r2, [pc, #268]	; (8052548 <OspiHypRamTest+0x198>)
 805243a:	ee27 7a26 	vmul.f32	s14, s14, s13
 805243e:	eef8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s15, s15
 8052442:	eec6 6a27 	vdiv.f32	s13, s12, s15
 8052446:	ee66 7a87 	vmul.f32	s15, s13, s14
 805244a:	edc2 7a00 	vstr	s15, [r2]
 805244e:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 8052452:	4a38      	ldr	r2, [pc, #224]	; (8052534 <OspiHypRamTest+0x184>)
 8052454:	6833      	ldr	r3, [r6, #0]
 8052456:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
 8052458:	d062      	beq.n	8052520 <OspiHypRamTest+0x170>
 805245a:	f502 42a0 	add.w	r2, r2, #20480	; 0x5000
 805245e:	483b      	ldr	r0, [pc, #236]	; (805254c <OspiHypRamTest+0x19c>)
 8052460:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
 8052462:	bf08      	it	eq
 8052464:	4601      	moveq	r1, r0
 8052466:	b672      	cpsid	i
 8052468:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 805246c:	bb4d      	cbnz	r5, 80524c2 <OspiHypRamTest+0x112>
 805246e:	4628      	mov	r0, r5
 8052470:	4b32      	ldr	r3, [pc, #200]	; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
 8052472:	4602      	mov	r2, r0
 8052474:	685d      	ldr	r5, [r3, #4]
 8052476:	4603      	mov	r3, r0
 8052478:	f851 6f08 	ldr.w	r6, [r1, #8]!
 805247c:	684c      	ldr	r4, [r1, #4]
 805247e:	42a2      	cmp	r2, r4
 8052480:	bf08      	it	eq
 8052482:	42b3      	cmpeq	r3, r6
 8052484:	bf18      	it	ne
 8052486:	3001      	addne	r0, #1
 8052488:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
 805248a:	f142 0200 	adc.w	r2, r2, #0
 805248e:	f5a3 1400 	sub.w	r4, r3, #2097152	; 0x200000
 8052492:	4314      	orrs	r4, r2
 8052494:	d1f0      	bne.n	8052478 <OspiHypRamTest+0xc8>
 8052496:	f3bf 8f5f 	dmb	sy
 805249a:	f3bf 8f4f 	dsb	sy
 805249e:	4b27      	ldr	r3, [pc, #156]	; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
 80524a0:	685b      	ldr	r3, [r3, #4]
 80524a2:	b662      	cpsie	i
 80524a4:	1b5b      	subs	r3, r3, r5
 80524a6:	ed9f 6a26 	vldr	s12, [pc, #152]	; 8052540 <OspiHypRamTest+0x190>
 80524aa:	4a29      	ldr	r2, [pc, #164]	; (8052550 <OspiHypRamTest+0x1a0>)
 80524ac:	ee07 3a90 	vmov	s15, r3
 80524b0:	eef8 7a67 	vcvt.f32.u32	s15, s15
 80524b4:	eec6 6a27 	vdiv.f32	s13, s12, s15
 80524b8:	ee26 7a87 	vmul.f32	s14, s13, s14
 80524bc:	ed82 7a00 	vstr	s14, [r2]
 80524c0:	bdf8      	pop	{r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
 80524c2:	2200      	movs	r2, #0
 80524c4:	481d      	ldr	r0, [pc, #116]	; (805253c <OspiHypRamTest+0x18c>)
 80524c6:	f04f 33ff 	mov.w	r3, #4294967295
 80524ca:	f46f 1c00 	mvn.w	ip, #2097152	; 0x200000
 80524ce:	6845      	ldr	r5, [r0, #4]
 80524d0:	4616      	mov	r6, r2
 80524d2:	4610      	mov	r0, r2
 80524d4:	f851 4f08 	ldr.w	r4, [r1, #8]!
 80524d8:	684f      	ldr	r7, [r1, #4]
 80524da:	42ba      	cmp	r2, r7
 80524dc:	bf08      	it	eq
 80524de:	42a3      	cmpeq	r3, r4
 80524e0:	bf18      	it	ne
 80524e2:	3001      	addne	r0, #1
 80524e4:	3b01      	subs	r3, #1
 80524e6:	f162 0200 	sbc.w	r2, r2, #0
 80524ea:	42b2      	cmp	r2, r6
 80524ec:	bf08      	it	eq
 80524ee:	4563      	cmpeq	r3, ip
 80524f0:	d1f0      	bne.n	80524d4 <OspiHypRamTest+0x124>
 80524f2:	e7d0      	b.n	8052496 <OspiHypRamTest+0xe6>
 80524f4:	2200      	movs	r2, #0
 80524f6:	f04f 33ff 	mov.w	r3, #4294967295
 80524fa:	f46f 1e00 	mvn.w	lr, #2097152	; 0x200000
 80524fe:	4610      	mov	r0, r2
 8052500:	1e5c      	subs	r4, r3, #1
 8052502:	f84c 3f08 	str.w	r3, [ip, #8]!
 8052506:	f8cc 2004 	str.w	r2, [ip, #4]
 805250a:	f162 0200 	sbc.w	r2, r2, #0
 805250e:	4623      	mov	r3, r4
 8052510:	4282      	cmp	r2, r0
 8052512:	bf08      	it	eq
 8052514:	4574      	cmpeq	r4, lr
 8052516:	d1f3      	bne.n	8052500 <OspiHypRamTest+0x150>
 8052518:	e77e      	b.n	8052418 <OspiHypRamTest+0x68>
 805251a:	f04f 4110 	mov.w	r1, #2415919104	; 0x90000000
 805251e:	e763      	b.n	80523e8 <OspiHypRamTest+0x38>
 8052520:	490c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #48]	; (8052554 <OspiHypRamTest+0x1a4>)
 8052522:	e7a0      	b.n	8052466 <OspiHypRamTest+0xb6>
 8052524:	f3af 8000 	nop.w
 8052528:	a0b5ed8d 	.word	0xa0b5ed8d
 805252c:	3eb0c6f7 	.word	0x3eb0c6f7
 8052530:	24002cbc 	.word	0x24002cbc
 8052534:	52005000 	.word	0x52005000
 8052538:	5200a000 	.word	0x5200a000
 805253c:	e0001000 	.word	0xe0001000
 8052540:	4b800000 	.word	0x4b800000
 8052544:	3f742400 	.word	0x3f742400
 8052548:	24002bfc 	.word	0x24002bfc
 805254c:	6ffffff8 	.word	0x6ffffff8
 8052550:	24002bf8 	.word	0x24002bf8
 8052554:	8ffffff8 	.word	0x8ffffff8
Principal II

My biggest worries were actually the different results after compilations, when I didn't touch anything concerning HyperRAM.

This is actually stable since I added that UART wait before starting the test loops.