2025-02-05 12:49 AM - last edited on 2025-02-05 01:01 AM by Andrew Neil
Can you tell me how I can calculate a value for ARR for timer 2(32bit timer) and timer3(16bit timer)
I am using STM32F407 APB1 timer clock is 12MHz prescaler is 6
2025-02-05 12:55 AM - edited 2025-02-05 01:18 AM
For which purpose? time base?
Inspire from:
/* Get clock configuration */
HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig(&clkconfig, &pFLatency);
/* Get APB1 prescaler */
uwAPB1Prescaler = clkconfig.APB1CLKDivider;
/* Compute TIM6 clock */
if (uwAPB1Prescaler == RCC_HCLK_DIV1)
uwTimclock = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq();
uwTimclock = 2 * HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq();
/* Compute the prescaler value to have TIM6 counter clock equal to 1MHz */
uwPrescalerValue = (uint32_t) ((uwTimclock / 1000000U) - 1U);
/* Initialize TIM6 */
TimHandle.Instance = TIM6;
/* Initialize TIMx peripheral as follow:
+ Period = [(TIM6CLK/1000) - 1]. to have a (1/1000) s time base.
+ Prescaler = (uwTimclock/1000000 - 1) to have a 1MHz counter clock.
+ ClockDivision = 0
+ Counter direction = Up
TimHandle.Init.Period = (1000000U / 1000U) - 1U;
TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = uwPrescalerValue;
TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0U;
TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
TimHandle.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE;
status = HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&TimHandle);
See also the application note AN4013 "Introduction to timers for STM32 MCUs " / section 2.2 Time base generator
2025-02-05 01:02 AM - edited 2025-02-05 01:15 AM
See also the Timer section in the Reference Manual for your chip.
And: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/Getting_started_with_TIM
And Application note AN4776, General-purpose timer cookbook for STM32 microcontrollers
ST Videos on timers: https://www.youtube.com/@stmicroelectronics/search?query=timer
Many 3rd-parties also have resources; eg, https://www.digikey.co.uk/en/maker/projects/getting-started-with-stm32-timers-and-timer-interrupts/d08e6493cefa486fb1e79c43c0b08cc6
2025-02-05 01:11 AM
can you show what should be the purpose of each timers?
If you have timer clock on 12 MHz and prescaler is 6 the timer counter will be counted with frequency
12 MHz / (6+1) = 1.71 MHz. ARR register defines when timer counter will be reloaded. Frequency of reloading the timer counter is calculated as: 1.71 MHz / (ARR+1) in this case.
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2025-02-05 01:37 AM - edited 2025-02-05 01:56 AM
I will again refreshed my query my APB1 timer clock is 72Mhz so does it mean my timer are running on 72Mhz?
prescaler value which I said earlies it was CAN prescaler so plz ignore previous query.
second I want to create a delay like 10millisec 100millisec e.g every 10ms interrupt will generate.
for explanation you can take any 10ms ,100ms
note: at the time of Timer_Initialization I loaded ARR value with 0xFFFFFFFF and Counter value with 0x00000000
auto preload is disabled.
and at runtime time I am want to change ARR value with desired value I am using upcounter. so i want to know what will prescaler value and method to create a delay.
2025-02-05 01:52 AM
@Ash1 wrote:my APB1 timer clock is 72Mhz so does it mean my timer are running on 72Mhz?
See the Reference Manual - that will show how the timer's counter is clocked.
See also the clock configuration in CubeMX.
@Ash1 wrote:second I want to create a delay like 10millisec 100millisec e.g every 10ms interrupt will generate.
So that's a Timebase - as illustrated by @SofLit
2025-02-05 01:56 AM
Yes, your timer clock should be 72 MHz. If you can create an interrupt every 10 ms timer can be configured like this: PSC = 72 - 1 (counter frequency will be 1 MHz), ARR = 10000 - 1 (counter will be reloaded every 10 ms),
and for interrupt every 100 ms timer can be configured like this: PSC = 72 - 1 (counter frequency will be 1 MHz), ARR = 100000 - 1 (counter will be reloaded every 100 ms).
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2025-02-05 02:09 AM - edited 2025-02-05 02:11 AM
can you explain me this part ARR = 10000 - 1 and does this mean (PSC = 72 - 1) 71 value I have to load in prescaler register
2025-02-05 02:16 AM - edited 2025-02-05 02:25 AM
If value of ARR register (Counter period in CubeMX) is 9999 the counter will counts from 0 to 9999 (it is 10000 clock cycles in total with reload). So if the input frequency to the timer will be 1 MHz and you need reload the timer with frequency 100 Hz (period 10 ms) there should be ARR set to 9999 or 10000-1. And yes (PSC = 72 - 1) means that you should load 71 to prescaler register.
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2025-02-05 02:33 AM - edited 2025-02-05 03:05 AM
I am trying to run timer5 create interrupt for one minute .
I have loaded 59,999,999 in ARR register and 71 in pSC prescaler register is it correct?
I am sharing you screenshot of tim5 register at runtime but my timer is expiring at 50(approx.) second I have loaded prescaler and ARR as you said.
note: instead of one minute it is expiring before that...also I have configured CKD in (TIMx_CR1) as 00 is it correct too
Here is the screenshot - pasted into the post for easier viewing: