Hello,it seems your code is good, but you program your user data from address 0x08000000. This is the beginning of flash memory and there is programmed firmware. You should write user data at the end of flash. Addresses of last pages depends on your ...
Hello,In my opinion Cortex-M0+ can be used for UART -> SPI gateway. I had done similar project in the past with M0+ and TFT LCD communicating through SPI. Drawing simple screens worked fine, only when I was loading image from SD card and drawing it t...
Hello, welcome to ST Community.What microcontroller and board are you using? For debug mode there have to be SWCLK and SWDIO pin free and connected to STLink. Is this connection right on your board?
Timer settings seems to be right. Have you done clock configuration in CubeMX? Please check if time clock (APB1 Timer clocks) is really 72 MHz.Set CKD in (TIMx_CR1) as 00 should be correct
If value of ARR register (Counter period in CubeMX) is 9999 the counter will counts from 0 to 9999 (it is 10000 clock cycles in total with reload). So if the input frequency to the timer will be 1 MHz and you need reload the timer with frequency 100 ...