Hello,I tried to generate a project on my NUCLEO-G0B1RE with the same configuration as you have and interrupt on TIM3 worked right. Did you try any other timer and output pins? Is the pin PA12 free? Is MCU working right with some basic program, for e...
Hello,UART (USART) interrupt priority is set to 0 (the lowest priority) by default. But it can be easily changed up to the highest priority. It can be changed in code or in CubeMX in NVIC settings:
Hello,did you measured this voltage between VSSA and DAC_OUT pin? For better resolution at such low voltages it would also be advisable to reduce VREF+ up to 1.8V.
Hello,it seems to me there is nothing wrong in the code, it should works. Did you tested correct function of the rest of MCU, for example by toggling another GPIO pin? You wrote that you tried a different channels so there shouldn´t be an error but f...
Hello,in debug mode, can you see in ADCx->DR register correct measured value? It seems to me, you should set also some periodic trigger to ADC. For example set ADC: External Trigger Conversion Source to Timer 15 Trigger Output event. Then set Timer 1...