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C question on pointers???

Senior III

Hello all....

Ok....not sure what i am missing here but this fails miserably....

The compiler hates when I try and assign test = 

The return function works fine, I have made the return variable static so as not to lose the scope....test is an array so I expect test is the same as me doing &test[0]...What am I missing here?

uint8_t test[6];
  for (uint8_t k = 0; k < NO_ADC_CH; k++)
	  test = hex2Ascii(&stream[k]);
	  test[4] = '\r';
	  test[5] = '\n'; //new line
	  HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart2, test, sizeof(test));
char*hex2Ascii(uint16_t *val)
    unsigned char d;
    static char buff[4];
    buff[0] = (char)((d = (*val >> 12)) > 9 ? ('A' + d - 10) : ('0' + d));
    buff[1] = (char)((d = ((*val >> 8) & 0xf)) > 9 ? ('A' + d - 10) : ('0' + d));
    buff[2] = (char)((d = ((*val >> 4) & 0xf)) > 9 ? ('A' + d - 10) : ('0' + d));
    buff[3] = (char)((d = (*val & 0xf)) > 9 ? ('A' + d - 10) : ('0' + d));
    return buff;


Accepted Solutions
Lead III

My personal favorite for hex conversion is:

c = "0123456789ABCDEF"[v & 0xf];

Not always the smallest footprint but cute and compact notation, good for old people.


View solution in original post


Compile commenting one line at a time to find out what is wrong at compile level.

At least, you can't return a function local variable. It's like putting a letter on fire in a mailbox...

I don't use functions returning char *, try passing this as a 2nd function passing parameter. This will avoid your coding issue. Generated code is more efficient if using no more than 2-3 passing parameters, when exceeding, use a pointed structure. Otherwise, check out the generated ASM code to reach this conclusion.

Return values are mostly error codes.

And while at it, personnaly, hex conversion could use a simple lookup tables such as :

const char Quad2Hex[16] = {
'0', '1',..... '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
uint8_t byte = 0xC9;
char s[10];
s[0] = Quad2Hex[byte >> 4];
s[1] = Quad2Hex[byte & 0x0F];

Hope it helps.

Lead II

I don’t think it’s a problem with pointers as such, but C strings.

If you want a C string with 4 characters you must allocate (at least) 5. The wanted characters go into locations 0 to 3 and you have to put an end-of-string marker in location 4. This end-of-string marker has the ascii value 0 i.e. ‘\0’ (not to be confused with the character’0’ which has ascii value 48).

>>It's like putting a letter on fire in a mailbox...

made my day

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk
Principal III

Any reasonable compiler should give you warnings/errors with the above code which you should understand and not ignore. You may simply use printf and redirect stdout to the UART by re-implementing _write. Alternatively look for (non-standard) itoa function, sprintf, or find and study one of the many hex2ascii implementation on the web.



Lead III

My personal favorite for hex conversion is:

c = "0123456789ABCDEF"[v & 0xf];

Not always the smallest footprint but cute and compact notation, good for old people.


What strange syntax! I'm still amazed at the inventiveness of the programmers...

Very nice indeed. Intuitive and concise. ��

The code above is NOT an example of strange syntax. Strange syntax is this:

c = (v & 0xf)["0123456789ABCDEF"];

I can't believe it, it works, I tested it on VisuaC.

But I don't understand why...