2019-04-04 12:21 PM
Background: Atollic 9.1, F429 Nucleo with Segger debug stub loaded.
CubeMX-generated FreeRTOS application.
Trying to debug an LwIP problem, but breakpoint does not operate properly.
When the breakpoint is hit in an ISR (FreeRTOS idle, no active task),
the breakpoint fails to operate properly. The application stops, and a debugging
failure is reported in the console window (shown below).
Any idea how to work around this?
Need the debugger to operate properly at the breakpoint!
Best Regards, Dave
[Switching to Thread 1]
Temporary breakpoint 7, main () at ..\Src\main.c:139
139 {
[New Thread 536873360]
[New Thread 536872096]
[New Thread 536872728]
[New Thread 536877952]
[New Thread 536879560]
[New Thread 536887872]
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
[Switching to Thread 536873360]
prvIdleTask (pvParameters=<optimized out>) at ..\Middlewares\Third_Party\FreeRTOS\Source\tasks.c:3166
3166 if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( &( pxReadyTasksLists[ tskIDLE_PRIORITY ] ) ) > ( UBaseType_t ) 1 )
[New Remote target]
[Switching to Thread 536877952]
Invalid selected thread.
2019-04-12 6:35 AM
Is the stack correctly defined for all your tasks?
Do you have any watchdog (either internal or external) enabled?
2019-04-16 7:14 AM
@Alex R Yes stack configuration is fine, and no watchdog is set.
Segger asked me to retest with their latest SW which I will try do later this week...
2019-06-28 2:05 AM
@Dave Nadler @Alex R Do you have any update on this? I'm hitting the same issue.
2019-06-28 8:21 AM
@DMorr.4 - I haven't retested this since I installed the latest Segger software (from Segger website, not ST), Sorry.
For a while I was toggling the RTOS support on and off in the launch configuration depending where I needed to breakpoint, aarrgggg....
If I have a chance I'll give it a try later, between working around STMcubeIDE and MX bugs, aarrggg...
2019-06-28 8:58 AM
@DMorr.4 - I just retested this, and it works within STMcubeIDE using:
Note that I had a lot of trouble getting things working within STMcubeIDE (took a couple days mucking about to migrate from Atollic 9.1).
Though I regenerated the project from the upgraded IOC (and merged in all my updates), if I regenerate code STMcubeIDE trashes the project, be very careful...
2019-06-30 1:22 AM
@Dave Nadler Thanks for your info! We'll probably move to STMcubeIDE for our next project, but will stick withTrueStudio for now. I've had some luck in getting the debugger to work by disabling any early breakpoints, the first breakpoint is now around where our first task is created. Not sure why this works, but it appears to.
Best regards,