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2019 STM32 Wish List

ST Employee

Dear Community Members & STM32 fans,

Let’s end 2018 thanking you for your involvement in our Community and wishing you all the best for 2019!


As already done in 2017 ( and in 2018 (, we open this space to hear from you.

This is an opportunity for us to evaluate what we deliver as offer and to know your expectations.

If we come back to the STM32 portfolio end of last year, it was like this:


Now the image is getting larger with new products as well as ecosystem components:


Compared to the wishes you shared previous years, we weren’t able to answer all proposals for sure, but may be some of our solutions met what you looked for. Like for example: delivering .ioc file in the STM32Cube package which we started with STM32G0...

Either you are a follower of the STM32 history as well as the Community updates, or a new member in this space, would you mind share with us your feedback answering the following 3 questions:

  • What shouldn’t be done (don’t say migration to new Community platform or new CubeMX interface (because both of them will be improved)?
  • What you appreciate the most as STM32 related offer?
  • What do you expect/suggest related to the STM32 and its ecosystem?

All together, keep UP our STM32 Community!

To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

171 REPLIES 171

For sure, an issue tracker would be pretty good.

Marcelo Barros
Associate III
  • How about a new peripheral supporting step motors ?
  • Make stm32wb line more widely available.
  • A new wireless (wifi) microcontroller as a good replacement for esp32 ?
  • Add NuttX as supported RTOS in CubeMX
  • Solve CubeMX problems in Linux. Sometimes it starts to use 100% of CPU and it is quite difficult to close it.
  • Add support for stm32duino in CubeMX.
  • Put systick callback call inside systick interrupt again.
  • Please, more microcontrollers with 16 bits ADCs !
  • Please, more microcontroller with 32 bits timers !
  • Create an Issue tracker, urgently.


I think this forum desparately needs a personalized list of threads one was/is currently involved.

It is very easy and probable to lose track of ongoing communications.

This forum is continuously making disimprovements ...


we should not tell in this thread how bad this forum is, and that there's no way to make this usable without scrapping it and getting a decent forum software - see initial post.


Suspendable DMA, please, so that undocumented DMA bugs won't pop up .

Separate NDTR for dual-buffer mode in DMA (the dual-port of course), to allow mimicking scatter/gather DMA. Adding a separate circular flag would also allow a "parking position". Real scatter/gather would of course be the best.



Sadly was not impressed with Atollic TrueStudio eclipse ide, found the whole environment, clunky, slooowww to use and just not a very nice snappy experience.

Rowley crossstudio is far better and snappy and fast to use and work in.

Lets hope ST can get away from eclipse as its very poor in performance ! its a slow ide and I hope st rethink's there debugging environment.

Ok, but here you are comparing a free IDE (TrueSTUDIO) with a paid IDE (Rowley CrossWorks, $1500 minimum for commercial use). Can you give an example of free IDE with the best features of TrueSTUDIO?



Attolic true studio never use to be free until st purchased it.

i am not saying it isn’t feature rich, I’m just stating the structure in which this ide is built designed on is slow due to eclipse.

It it does provide a very satisfying feel to developing code or a project, this is no fault of the features just the eclipse environment being slow and sluggish to work in.

This just my opinion and although other ide’s are not free the ones not built on eclipse to me give a nicer design experience

I don't have great experience of other IDEs, but I will raise my hand to say that I like Eclipse. I've not tried the Truestudio version, I am using standard Eclipse with OpenOCD for debugging on Nucleo and DISCO boards. Mostly seems ok to me?

However, I prefer regular Makefiles instead of IDE auto-generated stuff, and find them a complication to using examples from the Cube zip.


I've just came to know that in the newer STM32 ('L4, 'F7) UARTs there is such timeout, set in USART_RTOR .

I still maintain that many of these problems could be solved better and cheaper with a bit of planning, utilizing the existing resources plus small bits of added logic and interconnections. Telling developers to discuss this with real users would really help in these issues.
