2024-08-21 1:56 AM
I am using motor workbench 6.3 along with stm32cube mx 6.12 and stm32cubeIDE 1.16.0. The hardware is a F303RE nucleo board with IHM08M1 motor board. The motor is a generci A2212 1000kV drone motor with a maximum current of 10A.
C3, C5, C7 are removed as per https://www.st.com/resource/en/data_brief/x-nucleo-ihm08m1.pdf
Jumper JP1 & JP2 are on FOC. J5 & J6 are on 3 shunt measurement.
The motor profiler runs up to 28%, does not spin the motor and goes into "Motor profiler is taking too long error"
I have configured the DSP libraries in the project properties and also added "pMCIList[M1] = &Mci[M1];" to solve the hardfault handler error.
While generating the code I get "Attr not supported : Dmpu" error but I have been advised that it is not a serious error. https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-motor-control/mc-6-3-with-mx6-12-attr-not-supported-dmpu/m-p/704970#M10610
Neither motor profiler nor motor pilot work at the moment. Please advise.
2024-09-02 1:56 AM
Hello @Sujoy_B,
Thank you for your report. We are investigating this issue, and we will come back to you shortly once we know more about it.
2024-09-03 7:58 AM - edited 2024-09-03 9:18 AM
Hello @Sujoy_B,
We are still investigating the issue, but if your purpose is profiling the motor, disabling the "MCU Load measurement" feature should be functional.