2024-03-27 5:36 AM
I am trying to create a new project for Nemo 23 PMSM with STM32F303RE control board and X-Nucleo-IHM08M1 power board but while creating new confirugation for my motor getting frimware error.
Can anyone please help to resolve the issue.
ST Motor control work bench version: 6.2.1
2024-03-27 7:34 AM
Hello sunilchowdary_19,
Have you enabled the MotorProfiler via WorkBench in your project ? It is located in the Application Configuration tab. Also be aware that profiling is only available for 3 shunts configurations.
2024-03-27 7:43 AM
I didn't see any application configuration in the motor control workbench. Can you please guide me how to proceed and it is a 3 shunt project with FOC
2024-03-27 7:47 AM
Hello sunilchodwdary_19,
For this kind of request, I would firstly recommend you to have a look at our STM32 Motor Control wiki. Most information should be available there. Feel free to reach out to us again if there is something you don't understand.
2024-04-06 4:23 AM
Still, I'm getting a firmware error can you please help with the motor profiler?
2024-04-07 11:49 PM
Hello sunilchowdary_19,
Could you be more specific on your course of action, and provide us with your project file please ?