2021-06-17 9:11 AM
Is the original flash image (hex-file) for EVSPIN32G4 board available somewhere for download?
2021-07-09 4:39 AM
Hello Cristiana,
there are no erros on compilation. Software is successfully generated in MC Workbench and STM32CubeMX and then successfully compiled in STM32CudeIDE and flashed to uC. I cannot see any warnings neither errors from the build and flash procedure.
I did the following test in a meanwhile:
1) I disconnect all the peripherals from the uC on my board (cutting all lanes on the PCB and leaving only power supply)
2) Comment out the call of MX_MotorControl_Init().
3) Connect an oscilloscope on one of the GPIOs.
4) From the main() I let this GPIO blink with HAL_Delay(100).
Result) On the oscilloscope I see that the interval is double as large as expected (it shows 200ms interval).
But if I build a simple software for the same PCB but without MCSDK just for this HAL_Delay(100) test, the oscilloscope shows the right signal interval of 100ms.
2021-07-12 1:55 AM
Hi @HAL-9000,
concerning your test example in the motor control project the System Tick is set to 500 us (so the the frequency is 2 KHz).
__weak void MX_MotorControl_Init(void)
/* Reconfigure the SysTick interrupt to fire every 500 us. */
/* Initialize the Motor Control Subsystem */
In parameter_conversion.h you can find:
So, no compile error and solved the doubt about the System Tick.
I can’t identify the issue and where I can go to look for the solution.