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FUS_STATE_ERROR_IMG_CORRUPT after calling SHCI_C2_FUS_FwUpgrade(0,0)

Associate III


I'm working on a STM32WB55 P-NUCLEO

I'm trying to make a binary that will self update Wireless stack (WL FW

I took inspiration from

the objective is to embed new FW in a C byte array and to let the user binary to call FUS for :

delete current stack

calc the good adress for WL FW (@SFSA -

clean flash

copy the new WL FW C blob

call upgrade

all the rest is ignored right now to simplify explainations

here you can find my app_entry.c APPE_SysEvtReadyProcessing function (everything is here)

static void APPE_SysEvtReadyProcessing(void * pPayload) { uint8_t fus_state_value; SHCI_CmdStatus_t res; TL_AsynchEvt_t *p_sys_event; SHCI_C2_Ready_Evt_t *p_sys_ready_event; SHCI_FUS_GetState_ErrorCode_t ec; p_sys_event = (TL_AsynchEvt_t*)(((tSHCI_UserEvtRxParam*)pPayload)->pckt->evtserial.evt.payload); p_sys_ready_event = (SHCI_C2_Ready_Evt_t*) p_sys_event->payload; /* Traces channel initialization */ TL_TRACES_Init(); FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef ob; HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig(&ob); start_fw_address=ob.SecureFlashStartAddr-(((BIN_SIZE/FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)+1)*FLASH_PAGE_SIZE); // @of first flash page that fits the FW size uint8_t FUS_FW_RUN=!(p_sys_ready_event->sysevt_ready_rsp == WIRELESS_FW_RUNNING); if (!FUS_FW_RUN){ APP_DBG_MSG("[-- WIRELESS FW IS RUNNING --]\r\n"); printf("WIRELESS FW running reboot to FUS\r\n"); HAL_Delay(100); (void)SHCI_C2_FUS_GetState( NULL ); (void)SHCI_C2_FUS_GetState( NULL ); wait4reboot();// this is and infinite while with a refresh of IWDG } else { APP_DBG_MSG("[-- FUS IS RUNNING --]\r\n"); printFusNWirlessInfos(); // display wireless firmware version / build / type printFWpointers(); // display differentes usefull adress (app / wl / sfsa etc.) fus_state_value = SHCI_C2_FUS_GetState( &ec ); while(fus_state_value != FUS_STATE_VALUE_IDLE){ printf("FUS PROCESS on going ... "); print_FUS_STATE_VALUE(fus_state_value,ec); // display FUS state and error status fus_state_value = SHCI_C2_FUS_GetState( &ec ); HAL_Delay(500); } print_FUS_STATE_VALUE(fus_state_value,ec); switch(CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG) { case CFG_IDLE: printf("START UPDATE PROCEDURE\r\n"); CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG=CFG_FUS_FW_DELETE; wait4reboot(); break; case CFG_FUS_FW_DELETE: printf("DELETE CURRENT FUS FIRMWARE\r\n");HAL_Delay(500); printf("call SHCI_C2_FUS_FwDelete()\r\n");HAL_Delay(500); res =SHCI_C2_FUS_FwDelete(); if(res==SHCI_Success){ CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG = CFG_FUS_FW_UPGRADE; print_SHCI_CmdStatus_t(res);HAL_Delay(100); wait4reboot(); } else{ CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG = CFG_IDLE; // back to begining print_SHCI_CmdStatus_t(res);HAL_Delay(100); wait4reboot(); } break; case CFG_FUS_FW_UPGRADE: APP_DBG_MSG("UPGRADE WIRELESS FIRMWARE\r\n"); Delete_Sectors(); copyBin(); checkBin(); printf("call SHCI_C2_FUS_FwUpgrade(0,0)\r\n"); CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG = CFG_FUS_END; res =SHCI_C2_FUS_FwUpgrade(0,0); print_SHCI_CmdStatus_t(res);HAL_Delay(100); do{ printf("UPGRADE ongoing ... "); fus_state_value = SHCI_C2_FUS_GetState( &ec ); print_FUS_STATE_VALUE(fus_state_value,ec); HAL_Delay(500); }while(1);//while(fus_state_value != FUS_STATE_VALUE_IDLE);wait4reboot(); break; case CFG_FUS_END: APP_DBG_MSG("END OF PROCESS\r\n"); CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG = CFG_IDLE; wait4reboot(); break; default : CFG_REBOOT_VAL_MSG = CFG_IDLE; break; } } wait4reboot(); }
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just here you can find the output durring all process over all reboots

[-- FUS IS RUNNING --] Get Wireless Infos : SHCI_Success Wireless Firmware version 0.0.0 // no WL stack installed yet Wireless Firmware build 0 FUS version 1.2.0 Wireless Firmware Type : Unknown StartOfAppAddr : 0x08000000 // this user app EndOfAppAddr : 0x0803E800 SecureFlashStartAddr : 0x080F4000 // SFSA addr StartOfFwPageAddr : 0x080D0000 // calc addr of newly installed WL stack ( based on SFSA)looks coherent with readme of STM32CubeWB release SizeOfFW : 0x00023F80 // size of new WL stack EndOfFwAddr : 0x080F3F80 // las WL stack @ (muste be less that actual SFSA) FUS state : IDLE | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR START UPDATE PROCEDURE [-- FUS IS RUNNING --] // first manual reboot to trigg the start sequence Get Wireless Infos : SHCI_Success Wireless Firmware version 0.0.0 Wireless Firmware build 0 FUS version 1.2.0 Wireless Firmware Type : Unknown StartOfAppAddr : 0x08000000 EndOfAppAddr : 0x0803E800 SecureFlashStartAddr : 0x080F4000 StartOfFwPageAddr : 0x080D0000 SizeOfFW : 0x00023F80 EndOfFwAddr : 0x080F3F80 FUS state : IDLE | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR DELETE CURRENT FUS FIRMWARE call SHCI_C2_FUS_FwDelete() // clear actual WL stack SHCI_Success [-- FUS IS RUNNING --] // reboot trigged by FUS after SHCI_C2_FUS_FwDelete() Get Wireless Infos : SHCI_Success Wireless Firmware version 0.0.0 Wireless Firmware build 0 FUS version 1.2.0 Wireless Firmware Type : Unknown StartOfAppAddr : 0x08000000 EndOfAppAddr : 0x0803E800 SecureFlashStartAddr : 0x080F4000 StartOfFwPageAddr : 0x080D0000 SizeOfFW : 0x00023F80 EndOfFwAddr : 0x080F3F80 FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : SERVICE_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_IMG_NOT_FOUND // ok because no WL is installed yet (problem is the same if I avoid this step) FUS state : IDLE | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR UPGRADE WIRELESS FIRMWARE Erasing internal memory sectors [62 244] // errase flash (even if it should ne be needed) OK flash wireless FW @ 0x080D0000 // copy C byte array to the OK [AB A3 2C F4 ... 22 5E 2C A1 D3 ] // check that flash is ok regarding the input C byte array Check Copy FW from: 0x080D0000 to : 0x080F3F80 0 err found // no error durring flash call SHCI_C2_FUS_FwUpgrade(0,0) SHCI_Success [-- FUS IS RUNNING --] // reboot trigget by FUS right after SHCI_C2_FUS_FwUpgrade call Get Wireless Infos : SHCI_Success Wireless Firmware version 1.21.0 // WL stack looks to be found Wireless Firmware build 3 FUS version 1.2.0 Wireless Firmware Type : Unknown StartOfAppAddr : 0x08000000 EndOfAppAddr : 0x0803E800 SecureFlashStartAddr : 0x080D0000 // SFSA looks to be well moved to the new WL Stack place StartOfFwPageAddr : 0x080AC000 // not relevant yet as SFSA is including new WL stack SizeOfFW : 0x00023F80 EndOfFwAddr : 0x080CFF80 FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR // FUS stil in upgrade FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR [-- FUS IS RUNNING --] // new reboot triged by FUS Get Wireless Infos : SHCI_Success Wireless Firmware version 0.0.0 // WL stack looks empty now Wireless Firmware build 0 FUS version 1.2.0 Wireless Firmware Type : Unknown StartOfAppAddr : 0x08000000 EndOfAppAddr : 0x0803E800 SecureFlashStartAddr : 0x080F4000 // SFSA get back to "no WL stack" position StartOfFwPageAddr : 0x080D0000 SizeOfFW : 0x00023F80 EndOfFwAddr : 0x080F3F80 FUS PROCESS on going ... FUS state : FW_UPGRD_ONGOING | FUS_STATE_ERROR_IMG_CORRUPT // ??? FUS state : IDLE | FUS_STATE_ERROR_NO_ERROR END OF PROCESS
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my issue is that even if at beginig new WL stack looks to be well discovered after fus upgrade call I got a new reboot with a "fus error image corrupted" even if I have well check my copy in flash

I did succeded few times to get this WLStack accepted by fus I didn changed anything to my byte array

heres my WL stack byte array files

#ifndef _BIN_IMAGE_H_ #define _BIN_IMAGE_H_ /***************************************************************************//** * file ./bin_image.h * Binary FW file to H file converter * Generated on February 25, 2025 at 15:38:02 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdint.h> /* stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin */ #define FW_DATETIME "February 25, 2025 at 15:38:02" #define FW_NAME "stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin" #define BIN_SIZE 0x23f80 extern const uint8_t FW_Bin[BIN_SIZE]; #endif //_BIN_IMAGE_H_
/***************************************************************************//** * file ./bin_image.c * Binary FW file to C file converter * Generated on February 25, 2025 at 15:38:02 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdint.h> #include "bin_image.h" /* stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin */ const uint8_t FW_Bin [BIN_SIZE] = {0xab,0xa3,0x2c,0xf4,0x2,0x4a,0x25,0x30,0x9f,0x76,0xfd,0x2f,0x1e,0x36,0x15,0x0, // reduced to not overtflow the forum 0x45,0x0,0x11,0x22,0x5e,0x2c,0xa1,0xd3,};

my c bytes array representing the new Wireless  FW is generated by a  really simple python script

if anyone has an idea why I got this corrupted image error I'm more that happy to read it !

thanks a lot