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Can I use the TrueStudio for the P-NUCLEO-IHM001 board?

Associate II

Accepted Solutions
Senior II

I have been able to build and run projects in the SDK_5.4.3 directory using the Keil Tool chain (MDK-ARM) though on some I needed to optimize size not time, to keep below the 32k limit on the Lite version.

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Yes. It has a STM32F302R8 MCU, any development environment can be used that supports it (or Cortex-M4 in general).

Lead III

With the buy up of Atollic by ST, TrueStudio is more or less obsolete. I would not expect extensive support from ST.

Claire O.
ST Employee

Dear SPark.2,

I can confirm than the MCSDK is still ok with TrueStudio for yout board.

Thanks and best regards,


Associate II

Thank you for all your answers.

Associate II


I bought a P-NUCLEO-IHM001 board and tried to generate c code as follow.

  1. Copied the "PotentiometerAdvance" folder to another location.
  2. Run the ST Motor Control Workbench (V5.4.3) and opened project "PotentiometerAdvance.stmcx"
  3. Project Generation
  4. Click "GENERATE" button
  5. RUN STM32Cube
  6. Selected TrueSTUDIO at Toolchain /IDE​ box
  7. GENERATE CODE and Opened project with Atollic TrueSTUDE IDE
  8. Selected "Build All" but I found next error

" fatal error: stm32f3xx_ll_bus.h: No such file or directory "

How can I fix it? Please guide me.


Associate II

I solved the error but errors are continue..more and more.

Too many errors are generated. so I'll give up to use TrueSTUDIO.

I have the same hardware and went through the same steps described in the Project Potentiometer readme.txt file. I don't think its a TrueStudio Problem.

  1. Run ST MC Workbench 5.4.3
  2. Open potentiometer.stmcx and save to a new location.
  3. Select Generate--> build with ST32CubeIDE Tool chain (Update not given as option)
  4. Run ST32CubeMX and Generate Code
  5. Open project with IDE from STM32CubeMX.ioc file
  6. FW_F3 V1.11.0 is not latest, choose to migrate project
  7. Build All resulted in 9 errors, such as: fatal error: stm32f3xx_ll_bus.h: No such file or directory

I am trying to get local ST FAE help on this, very frustrated for 3 weeks now.

Claire O.
ST Employee

Dear Jace and BTrem.1,

Can you please check which version of CubeIDE or TrueStudio you are using?

We will check your problems,


I'm using SDK 5.4.3. I believe this is the latest available to date.