2021-10-21 3:43 AM
Not sure if this is a bug or something I do not completely understand, but in the generated ethernetif.c file (HAL V1.9.0) there is the line:
LWIP_MEMPOOL_DECLARE(RX_POOL, 10, sizeof(struct pbuf_custom), "Zero-copy RX PBUF pool");
Which always uses, if I understand correctly, a fixed magic number of 10 for the pbuf-count. I would think that number should be tied to something like PBUF_POOL_SIZE. Or am I missing the point of this?
2022-06-13 12:54 PM
Is this a joke? This is the code from v1.10:
A magic number of 10 has been replaced with a define ETH_RX_BUFFER_CNT, which is defined as another magic number of 12. If the developers still think that the number of buffers must be different from the number of descriptors, then they should make that new ETH_RX_BUFFER_CNT define configurable in CubeMX.
2.a. Rx Buffers number must be between ETH_RX_DESC_CNT and 2*ETH_RX_DESC_CNT
If by 2*ETH_RX_DESC_CNT the developers were thinking about the problem related to the context descriptors, then it's the other way around - the descriptors are the ones, the number of which should be doubled, not the data buffers. Therefore it should read: "between ceil(ETH_RX_DESC_CNT/2) and ETH_RX_DESC_CNT"
2022-06-28 12:37 PM
Thanks for your tip, @Piranha! I was having some troubles with HTTP server on a no RTOS application, where ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE greater than 1000U leads me to a memory fault. Setting ETH_RX_BUFFER_CNT to ETH_RX_DESC_CNT fix the problem...
2022-06-28 3:04 PM
Haven't read its code, but perhaps it's implemented two buffers per descriptor now.
2022-12-30 7:21 AM
As an answer for the main issue : LWIP_MEMPOOL_DECLARE with a fixed pbuf-count :
Due to the fact that we are using a Ring structure for descriptors, each descriptor is pointed to 2 data buffers.
So that the RX_POOL can hold all Rx_buffers, pbuf-count should be equal to 2 * ETH_RX_DESC_CNT.
An Internal ticket ID 142051 is already created to solve this issue
(PS: This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).
Sorry for the delayed answer and thank you for your interaction.
2022-12-30 6:01 PM
And again a complete nonsense by an ST employee... First, the fact, that the descriptors are arranged as a ring, has nothing to do with the possibility to provide two data buffers for each descriptor. But the main nonsense you said is that the each descriptor points to two data buffers, while actually the HAL does not use buffer 2 of the Rx descriptors.
2023-11-28 5:30 AM
Hi together,
my understanding of the current HAL F7 driver state (STM32F7xx-hal-driver v1.3.0) is:
As to my understanding the following rules apply to the RX buffer count:
Note: numbered list is just for better referencing and not the exact execution order
@PiranhaFirst of all thank you for all your hints and lists about various issues. Can you please confirm my assumptions / breakdown and extend/comment if you find something wrong / extendable etc.?
@MSG_ST Do you think that it is possible that ST answers / adapt following points?
2023-11-29 1:21 AM - edited 2023-11-29 1:51 AM
Hi @PhilippH ,
Thank you for your detailed comment. I'm fully agree with your assumptions.
I confirm from our side that the Rx_Buff size should be at least equal to the number of descriptors and the maximum of Rx_Buff size could exceed the number of descriptors in order to have a pool size which could handle high load peaks in some heavy applications. The comment section will be updated accordingly.
And that's why you can find ETH_RX_BUFFER_CNT = 15U or 12U...
The ETH_RX_BUFFER_CNT will be configurable via STM32CubeMX to allow user to modify it according to their use cases.
Thank you again for your contribution
2023-11-29 6:07 PM
Your understanding is correct and there are just few things to add.
The PBUFs can be held not only by the TCPIP thread, but also by applications. And it's not just a question of performance, as it can be done even deliberately as a feature. For example, an application can implement some buffering by holding PBUFs and only releasing them sometime later. The order of releasing PBUFs also can and will differ from the reception order - both from a single application and definitely between a several applications. All of this together means that the number of Rx buffers must be high enough that it more or less satisfies the requirements of all applications, including their buffering requirements.
Now, let's analyse how the number of DMA descriptors relates to the number of Rx buffers.
In this configuration there are not enough buffers to attach to all descriptors and therefore the surplus descriptors are just wasted. The system can still work, but it just doesn't make sense.
In this configuration we have surplus buffers, which can be held by applications and then returned back to the Rx pool. But a buffer, which is sitting in an Rx pool and are not used for anything, is again wasted.
In this configuration, when a buffer is released, it doesn't even have to be put in an Rx pool, but can immediately be attached to a descriptor. Therefore the software managed Rx pool becomes useless, because it would always be empty, and it can and should be removed from the design completely.
I've tried to explain this several times previously, but everyone misunderstood it, including the advanced users. For example, ST's code defaults to 4 descriptors and 12 buffers. When I am saying that those numbers must be equal, everyone interprets it as "reduce the number of buffers to 4" and counter-argues how limited such configuration would be. But for some strange reason nobody interprets it as "increase the number of descriptors to 12", which is what I was actually saying. I will remind again that the descriptors are small and their size, compared to the Rx buffers, is minor. Also Alister worried about a head-of-line blocking, but that is not the case here, because the buffers are not bound to particular descriptors and I'm not suggesting they should be.
2023-11-29 11:41 PM - edited 2023-11-29 11:42 PM
> In this configuration we have surplus buffers, which can be held by applications and then returned back to the Rx
> pool. But a buffer, which is sitting in an Rx pool and are not used for anything, is again wasted.
I found that this is the configuration which works best for my application: no OS, kind of audio streaming, http rest interface, calling a RX-descriptor / pbuf reallocation function in main / while / LwIpProcess (when not sleeping).
So I simply define:
#define ETH_RX_DESC_CNT ( PBUF_POOL_SIZE - 8 ) /* must be lower than pool size */
with 64 pbufs in pool, 32 for my test boards without external RAM (where I need more internal RAM for the more important TX buffers, RX buffers are mostly used to handle TCP ACKs).
But don't ask me what the problem was, my H7 ethernet driver is more than a year old now, and I'm good at forgetting, maybe pbuf chains still being worked on. Have to check my notes...