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I am using a stm32g0b1ret with stm32cubemx package 1.6.1 .The symptoms are:On deletion of pages I receive a signal 0 in the debugger, but the pages do get erased eventually. (I use HAL_FLASHEx_Erase)On the first flash write I get an error with goes t...
I have two custom boards with STM32G0B1 Chips. I am using an ST-Link V3 (V3J10M3 on Stm32CubeProgrammer - SWD default settings)to flash them.On the first board, I could connect, but on flashing it for the first time, it reported failed to erase memor...
I am using an STM32H7 (though this would apply to any other STM32 with different RAM sections) and want to put the Stack in the fast DTCMRAM section, while freeing up the D1RAM for the Heap.This did in fact work with the old toolchain of GPDSC, but n...
After seeing the MOOC about the MPU Usage I am wondering about the speculative access reads. From the video it seemed, that they could occur to any random location unless that area was configured as strongly ordered or device memory. What about the a...
Hi, I was trying to configure the Delay Block on the STM32H723xx for the Octo-SPI (in my case OCTOSPI2). The datasheet documentation on that part is quite simple with 6 steps, but I get stuck at the Line Length Valid Flag. After the first round (unit...
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