2015-10-01 6:54 AM
Installed file: STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.3.0
STM32L1 Cat.1 devices can't successfully write a zero byte, or half-word, to data EEPROM using the HAL function HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program(). The problem is that HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program() indirectly calls itself, causing __HAL_LOCK(&pFlash) to be called twiced without an intervening call to __HAL_UNLOCK(&pFlash). An example path:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAMDATA_BYTE, EEPROM_START_ADDR, 0);
FLASH_DATAEEPROM_ProgramByte(Address, (uint8_t) Data); [in stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c] HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAMDATA_FASTWORD, (Address & 0xFFFFFFFC), tmp); [in stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c] #eeprom #bug #stm32cube2015-10-02 7:57 AM
Hi ashlock.tad,
Your reported issue is under investigation by the development team. Thank you for your feedback. -Shahrzad-2016-01-25 10:26 AM
Hi ashlock.tad,
The issue is confirmed and the fix will be delivered in next releases.-Shahrzad-