2024-09-04 9:16 PM
Hi Team,
ST-Link Connection Issues with STM32F072RBT6 Discovery Board
Hi everyone,
I’m experiencing issues with my STM32F072RBT6 Discovery Board. It was working fine until recently when I started encountering errors with the ST-Link debugger.
Error Details:
I have attached screenshots of the errors for reference.
Steps I Have Tried:
PFA (images)below including stm32cubeprogrammer logs.
Despite these efforts, the issue persists. Any advice or suggestions on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Best regards,
2024-09-05 3:05 AM
So it's losing connection to the device.
Does your application put the CPU to sleep, and/or disable or reconfigure the SWD pins?
2024-09-05 3:34 AM
The application/code doesn't put the CPU to sleep . The flashing or debugging is using a ST-Link (a USB wire). In STM32CubeIDE , during debug mode , i am facing this issue . Could you explain the disable or reconfigure the SWD pins mean here ?
2024-09-05 3:45 AM
@Sudharshan wrote:Could you explain the disable or reconfigure the SWD pins mean here ?
The SWD lines (SWDIO and SWCLK) are on PA13 and PA14:
So, if your code does anything to PA13 and/or PA14, it will break the debug connection.
2024-09-05 6:08 AM
Maybe hold BOOT0 high during reset, then connect over SWD with STM32CubeProgrammer.
2024-09-05 12:36 PM
Bad USB cable?
2024-09-05 2:18 PM
@Karl Yamashita wrote:Bad USB cable?
The screenshots suggest that it does initially make connection, but then loses it.
So could be a faulty USB cable with intermittent fault.
Maybe broken/loose USB connector on the Discovery Board - they are not the most robust things ...