2020-10-20 9:30 AM
2020-10-20 11:43 AM
Does the ST-LINK show up in Device Manager? Get the Windows Ding-**** sounds when inserted/removed?
Try different cables, different ports.
Avoid hubs and docking stations.
Don't use charging cables.
2020-10-21 12:54 AM
I don't use charging cables or hubs or docking stations: I've connected directly the device to the USB port of my PC. I've already tried to connect the device to different port, but the problem persists-
2020-10-22 8:30 AM
(Post moved to STM32 MCUs)
Maybe obvious, but did you installed the ST-LINK driver ? https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-utilities/stsw-link009.html
Try to update ST-LINK Firmware https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-programmers/stsw-link007.html to confirm the device is detected.
2020-10-26 10:45 AM
You need to install the latest STM32CubeIde version with installer (v1.4.0).
It will install STLink usb driver but also STlink server.
2020-12-03 10:28 AM
Hi, I've tried to uninstall the old version and install STM32CubeIDE 1.5.0; I've installed all ST-LINK driver (I think!), and I've tried to update ST-LINK Firmware, but my problem persists. Have you got an idea?
Thank you for helping me.
2020-12-03 10:34 AM
Does the ST-LINK show up in Device Manager? I don't recall getting a yes/no answer on this.
Is this a laptop? DELL? Corporate?
Are there any policy settings preventing USB MSC being plugged in?
What ST-LINK do you have? Official one, boot-leg?
2020-12-04 12:29 AM
Try to install CubeIde 1.5.0 via installer (not upgrade).
With admin rights to install STLink Usb drivers and STlink server.
Then, check that you see the STLink in USB device in device manager.
2020-12-05 1:37 AM
I'm trying to program this object:
The micro inside is STM32F103C8T6, but I receive the ST-Link message error.
2020-12-05 7:41 AM
this device does not contains STLink but communicates with USB-Serial portocol.
Debuging with USB_serial port is imposible.
It is posible to program MCU by using STM32CubeProgrammer in UART mode and pulling up BOOT0 pin (jumper).