2022-12-16 2:23 AM
earlier using st-link for debugging that time it was not showing anything on the display and the blacklight was also not flowing then using stlink utility flashed the board, now not is been detected so please me regarding this
2022-12-16 10:43 AM
We have tried everything what you have told to recover the board but it wasn't working. And there is no external damage to the board the board looks very fine. So we are thinking that there is any internal issue with the board like missing libraries.
We have any option for that to repair the board from company side.
2022-12-17 4:58 AM
Your info is horible uninformative. Move board to somebody who know how test electric circuit.
For exmple connect power and measure current, use exernal stlink usw.
2022-12-17 11:05 AM
2022-12-17 11:06 AM
2022-12-17 11:07 AM
2022-12-17 11:26 AM
Ok so you've connected to the STM32F723 implementing the ST-LINK/V3, that you've probably erased at this point. So no longer going to function, nor connect to the PC or the STM32H745
@Sara BEN HADJ YAHYA @Amel NASRI is there a means/method to recover the ST-LINK/V3 firmware, like a boot loader, or other image?
2022-12-17 11:20 PM
Seems ST make big mistake and dont write into pdf warning Dont solder con into ... but feature reprogram too F72x on STLink part is cool if is descripted.
External programming for you now only usable on
and call support for bin file STLink repair.
2022-12-18 10:58 AM
The guy took a nice working board and just destroyed part of it's main functionality just because of inability of reading the manual. This topic proves that the people, who cannot split their thoughts into sentences, not only are incapable of doing more complex things, but are even dangerous!
On the other hand, it's not clear why ST leaves the ST-LINK MCU without RDP level 2.
2022-12-18 11:41 AM
These are electronics and these boards are very sensitive. And one thing no one wants to damage the board intentionally. While we are working on board suddenly we observed some miscellaneous action and we are giving our best to recover the board.
2022-12-18 2:27 PM
Well 3-days in, and I'm not clear what you did to get it in this state. But using ST-LINK Utilities on an H7 and ST-LINK/V3 is probably one of the issues. The tool has be deprecated for Years.
Problem is you don't appear to have been cautious, and "tried everything" to the point now that the debugger has been erased, and that's quite a challenge..
I'm not sure there's an official recovery path from here. ST don't officially release the binary for the ST-LINK/V3 although you might find a copy online somewhere. It might be possible to find a CMSIS-DAP or Bla-ck Mag-ic probe firmware that works on it.