2023-03-03 3:08 AM
I am using STM32H757 MCU on my custom board and was able to flash the code.
Once mistakenly I flashed without commenting the below lines in SystemClock_Config function
Till then I am unable to detect the MCU using ST debugger.
Tried with STM Utility & STM32CubeProgrammer to detect & flash
Tried various options like -
Nothing helps!
Any idea to overcome this issue
Thanks in Advance!
2023-03-03 3:17 AM
Strap BOOT0 HIGH cycle.power completely several times until.you can connect, then erase user code.
2023-03-03 3:17 AM
Set BOOT0 pin to 1, which will start the MCU in bootloader mode - then you may connect to it.
2023-03-03 3:21 AM
Thank you for your immediate response
Just I tried by resetting the device and flashing using ULINK tool and able to flash the code
Thank you once again!