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Issues with ST-Link serial number


I am assuming this is a Windows driver issue, but I do not know how to resolve it.

I use several Nucleo boards. Additionally, I use some USB ST-Link programmers.

These programmers always show up with a single letter serial number: A, B,C, D.

Using Keil ARM, I can often click around and get them to work (program)

But with STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeProgrammer they always show up as a single letter and the software refuses to use them.

For instance CubeProgrammer:


Does anyone know the path to resolution for this problem?


Same issue here, the guy from purchasing tought they were original, and they look original to me untill you try to use them:

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

@Community member​ i got the same issue, they looked like original STlinkV2 parts.

But they have their mcu markings serial scratched out.

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

Hello @Peter BENSCH​ ,

from my experience, the genuine V2 is better value for the money than the fake, just look at it, many components missing, that fake ones are just not worth it.

However, I have not seen fake isolated ST-Links, so I assume it's genuine. On my fakes I used the same cable, so the comment of @Community member​ that it may be because by cables is not the reason. I’m sorry I have no isolated version, I can not test it, but for the fakes I can confirm it's not caused by the cable.

Best Regards, Seppletronics

ST Employee

Update: meanwhile there is a knowledge base article on the topic: How to recognize a genuine ST-Link/V2 versus a cloned one?, created by Amel NASRI.



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This happens because the STLink you are using must be the generic one. probably the Geehy APM32F103CBT6 ie fake.

So it will only communicate with the STLink Utility

Aqui: stsw-link004.html.


Screenshot 2023-09-07 180739.png

Screenshot 2023-09-07 180819.png

  This seems to work for me just enable Shared and click then click the refresh button quite a few times and it'll show a serial number and connect. a little late but i figure it'll help someone out

Thank you, I have the same problem, but the Shared checkbox solved it :)