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Issues with ST-Link serial number


I am assuming this is a Windows driver issue, but I do not know how to resolve it.

I use several Nucleo boards. Additionally, I use some USB ST-Link programmers.

These programmers always show up with a single letter serial number: A, B,C, D.

Using Keil ARM, I can often click around and get them to work (program)

But with STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeProgrammer they always show up as a single letter and the software refuses to use them.

For instance CubeProgrammer:


Does anyone know the path to resolution for this problem?


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee
You expect the same behaviour from replicas as from original parts?
The software does not recognize these clones because they are not genuine ST-LINK from STMicroelectronics. An original ST-LINK/V2 or ST/LINK-V3 would perfectly work.
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ST Employee

What type are the USB ST-Link programmers?

Can you post an example photo?



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ST Employee
You expect the same behaviour from replicas as from original parts?
The software does not recognize these clones because they are not genuine ST-LINK from STMicroelectronics. An original ST-LINK/V2 or ST/LINK-V3 would perfectly work.
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Bad cables and hubs can be a contributory factor

Target connectivity, perhaps powering of buffers via VTarget, or non-responsiveness of Target (ie Off, Sleeping, pins disabled/reconfigured)

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I will check those things. Thanks! I also ordered a couple STLink V3 official programmers too

Hello @Peter BENSCH​ ,

I stumbled over the same issue:

  • With older firmware there is a normal Serialnumber for STM32CumbeIDE V1.10.1
  • Withe the latest firmware the Serialnumber "C" is displayed STM32CumbeIDE V1.10.0 but for V1.3.0 a longer string is displayed.

Are these clones "bricked" / can no longer be used with the latest toolchain?

Best Regards, Seppel

P.S. Most people bought clones not because they are cheaper, we all know they may be crap and you risk money, but they genuine were less available, mostly over Distributors that only sell to businesses. I would argue that these clones have made STM32's very popular because of the availability, so making these V2’s useless would people off, and in a world were we try to care about the environment, it would mean a pile of electronics waste.

Most of these users are semi-professionals, which tried the STM32 at home and then integrated theme into professional products at their workplace. FTDI has made an agessive move, bricked components and people are now scared because they may get in trouble, especially in times were supply-chains are not that clear if you go for low volume. I avoid these FDTI products to be honest, if I have a product in the field and it got a FTDI-cone somehow, that is a desaster, and there are alternatives for FTDI. I hope ST will not make the same mistake

Peter, you don't get to be the good guy victim on behalf of STM and be so flippant as if your customers are in the wrong.

With STM failing to do their part to maintain a good supply chain and availability customers are left getting what they can when they can't buy genuine.

As long as the genuine tool is difficult or impossible to get STM has to take some responsibility.

It has taken me almost 5 months to get enough of the ST/LINK-V3 for my team.