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Errors while debugging a project in STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

Hello everyone,

I succeeded to import a project for a STM32F405 inside the STM32CubeIDE. It means i created an empty STM32Cube project and imported my own sources and Makefile. I succeeded to compile it and run a debug session after modifying the project and adding the debug flags in the different Makefiles of my project. The debug session works well, i can use live expression, and make step by step.

But when i reach one particular function, then i can't use any buttons like "Step over" or others. I can only pause the debug session and then i get this message : "Break at address "0x1fff36a8" with no debug information available, or outside of program code".

I checked in the memory map and saw that this is the system memory but i don't know why it goes there.

I also several time got this error : No source available for "(gdb[23].proc[42000].threadGroup[i1],gdb[23].proc[42000].OSthread[1]).thread[1].frame[0]"

Did anyone already dealed with those ?

I attach the configuration files of my project if anyone knows how to read them and could find the problem.

Let me know if any other information could be helpful.

Thanks for your answer,



Well just we use our 0_sys/stm32f4-ECG.ld which refer only to cortex-m-generic.ld in the libopencm3 those are the only one we use for the overall project. The other one is just an example of the one that is automatically generated for a project with this microcontroller but i don't use it in my project. So why do you say 2 vector tables ?

What do you mean exactly by cleaning my project structure, isn't it okay ? :D

Sorry i am pretty new with this environment and don't understand maaaany stuffs !

all my interrupts are working on the application just the debugger is lost.

I am still working on this issue, but here is our project, where i removed all "confidential" sources, if never you have time and it can help pointing the issue. If you can also describe what you mean by cleaning the project ? You should be able to launch a debug session from it and see that if you don't enable systick, the debug session works fine.

Best Regards,


Senior II

I will try to help, wait

Senior II

I get many compilation errors.

Ah really it was working and sent it to one colleague and he could compile it. You imported it as STM32Cube project ? I will download it and try to compile it by myself. But thanks for the help anyway

Hello again,

It seems to work by doing Import -> Import existing project into workspace -> select archive file. And when you build the project for me it was working. Can you send me your compilation errors if you did that and it doesn't work ? I will aslo ask a colleague to freshly install CubeIDE and to import it just in case.

Senior II

Without MSYS2 with proper package i can't help you. opencmsis have strange build system, it will be hard to proper implement this in cubeide. I don't like this type of libraries. Debuging software that use .a libraries always is much more difficult.

With this build system, you are losing, many very useful eclipse (cubeide) functions.

Really ? can you explain a litte bit more ? The libopencm3 is linkef from a .a file yes but we have all the sources and it seemed able during debugging session to jump into it's source code.

Senior II

Then, you have proper configuration, for this sources.

Error: Cannot find the specified linker script. Check the linker settings in the build configuration.

this is first error that i get.

Strange, the specified linker is in the 0_sys folder and in the makefile

Maybe it's the way you imported it so you did it as i explained ? (Import -> Import existing project into workspace -> select archive file) ?

Sadly i don't have currently a colleague that can try to import it. If you did that, i will have to wait tomorrow to make someone else try it.

Thanks anyway for your help :)