Resolved! FIT RATE
Hi, I need FIT rate for CL 60% and CL 90% for M24C02-RMN6TP please help me with this query.
Hi, I need FIT rate for CL 60% and CL 90% for M24C02-RMN6TP please help me with this query.
Hello STM32 Community,I am working with an STM32F103C8T6 ("Blue Pill") Original Chip and interfacing it with a MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier over SPI1. I used a sample program generated by ChatGPT, which initializes SPI1 and manually controls the C...
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Hello ST team, Please support for below parts IMDS. Company name: Kaynes Technology India Limited Kaynes IMDS ID: 142951 Item codeMAKEMPNF010101045 AST MICROELECTRONICSSTTH3010GY-TRF010283630 AST MICROELECTRONICSSTTH1002CBY-TRF030069055 BST MICRO...
Dear sir,IBIS model required for "Part Number: M24M02-DWMN3TP/K" for Signal Integrity analysis. We downloaded IBIS model available in component page in ST micro website. But that IBIS model "" not having f...
Dear Supplier, We are requesting your support to submit IMDS data for the below parts to LACROIX ELECTRONICS IMDS company ID 24959. If you are not the right contact for IMDS, please direct us to the correct person for IMDS in your company. Please re...
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Hi,There is someone that can help me with this issue ?I updated the firmware correctly to the latest version: sm42_monolithix_v4.0.1.hexI'm connecting via OTAA to TTN and it works fine.For the first message I have a few seconds from uplink message an...