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Spwf04s could not turn on radio afer reset? The module work ok before. Now the radio could turn on after power on . Then initiate and reset wifi module.The radio could not work . why?

[17:13:18.309]ÊÕ¡û¡ô+WIND:1:Poweron:171117-0328fe3-SPWF04S+WIND:13:Copyright (c) 2012-2017 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved:SPWF04SC+WIND:65:Factory Reset:1+WIND:0:Console active+WIND:3:Watchdog Running:20[17:13:19.307]ÊÕ¡û¡ô+WIND:32:WiFi...

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Different Grounds - Energy metering

Hi.My name is Andres Gomez and I'm working on a project which requires to monitore the AC energy of the street, specifically street lightings. Therefore, we bought STPM32 that measures one phase to probe our design and then take further actions. Howe...
