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MEMS: We want your knowledge base suggestions!

Community manager
Community manager

Dear community members,

We invite you to provide your suggestions for knowledge base articles in this thread. We strive to create articles that can assist or inspire you in the best possible way.
Anything goes, the only condition is that it is related to MEMS sensors.
Simply create a comment in this thread or send me a private message if you are more comfortable with that. If you are interested in suggestions that other members have made, please use the “kudos” button. This helps us identify the most popular requests.

The following guidelines can help you think of suggestions that provide value to you or others:

  • Implementing a new hardware or software functionality in your design/project

  • Best practice guidelines for specific products in various scenarios to improve efficiency

  • Explanations/guides on frequently asked questions that could provide benefit to all community members

We will review your suggestions and send a PM if any further information is required to avoid bloating this thread. This thread is active until the end of February 2024. Should you discover this thread after February 2024 and you have a suggestion you are always welcome to send me a PM.

Best regards,


Demonstrate on Arduino, code examples and libraries.

A large portion of your audience aren't coders, or can barely code, but likely have technical aptitude and/or a specific understanding of what they want to sense or measure. Facilitate experimentation with the least amount of friction.

Think also Micro Python or Circuit Python.

Engage with the Arduino, AdaFruit and SparkFun communities. That's where the parties at...

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..