2024-08-21 8:00 AM
after experimenting MEMS sensors with the IKS4A1, I developed a custom board based on STM32F407 CPU with the LSM6DSV16XTR accelerometer+gyroscope and LIS2MDLTR magnetometer.
The aim is to get board inclination and compass information with the maximum accuracy.
On CUBE-MX I select the LIS2MDLTR on the "Board Part Mag" section, the LSM6DSV16XTR on the "AccGyrQVar" section.
Then I selected the MotionFX, MotionTL, and MotionEC libraries.
Finally I choose "CUSTOM_TiltSensing" on "MEMS1_Application". At this point the yellow warning message imposed me to add the "MOTION_SENSOR" on the "Board Support Custom" section. It is not clear to me the reason of this and what does it means.
In any case after I had configured all the parameters the connection with MEMS Studio produces a "Board not identified" message.
Does it has some sense to define the MEMS1_application on CubeMx with a custom board? Is it possible to use Mems Studio with custom boards?
Thank you for your support.
2024-08-29 5:03 AM
Hi @MRaff.1 ,
I think the problem is that you are uploading a custom FW to Nucleo Board using CubeMX... and this usecase is not supported.
In MEMS Studio we support FWs from X-CUBE-MEMS1 and those generated with Algobuilder.
2024-09-02 8:33 AM
Thank you for the reply Federica.
I would point out I am not loading custom FW on Nucleo Board but I am trying to load Demo firmware from CubeMX on Custom Board.