Hello,due to the bad datasheet and missing register map it is almost impossible to get information about GPIO1. The only settings i found are affecting the interrupt functionality. But why is the pin called GPIO when only used as interrupt output. Sh...
Hello,I am experimenting some trouble when using sensor VL6180X outdoors due to sunlight.The lasers are continuously seeing a yellow surface at 15cm. I get good rangings under Indoor light condition.The point is the lasers do not see any backgound w...
Hi,i have multiple VL53L5CX sensors on the same bus. Right now i am initializing the firmware (vl53l5cx_init) them after setting the individual I2C addresses. I wonder if it is possible to initialize them all at once.To my understanding the vl53l5cx_...
Hello, I'm using VL53L0CXV0DH/1 within the construction of a more global solution and would like to have information about its reliability.Can you please help provide reliability information like Failure rate, Lifetime, MTBF, Warranty for the product...
I have project using a VL53L3CX distance sensor. Also , I control it by ESP32. In normally, I can command to XSHUT pin. And I can read xshut pin of ESP32 that is 3V3 or 0V.But, When ESP32 enters deep-sleep mode for current consumption, XSHUT pin of t...
The title says it all. I can't find the info on any of the three documents i read (Datasheet/Api/ULD Api).Thank youMirco
We are trying to get a VL53L0X sensor to run but VL53L0X_GetInterruptMaskStatus() constantly fails and we cant perform any measurements. We compiled the API provided by ST provided from https://www.st.com/en/imaging-and-photonics-solutions/vl53l0x.ht...