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Hello,I am developing a system using VL53L1X.I have read UM2510 (A guide to using the VL53L1X ultra lite driver).This library implements the function called "StartTemperatureUpdate".The description for this function states, "This function performs th...
Hello,I am developing a system using VL53L1X.I have read UM2356 (VL53L1X API user manual).I would like to know the background of the recommended conditions for the offset calibration procedure Chart distance: 140mm.Is it a peculiar point that Chart d...
Hello,I am developing a system using VL53L1X.Occasionally, when the host microcomputer is asynchronously reset, there is no response from the sensor after that.It can be detected that the sensor's SDA is stuck at Low. We can handle it.The situation I...
Hello,​I am developing a system using VL53L1X.Occasionally, when the host microcomputer is asynchronously reset, there is no response from the sensor after that.​I've never used the xshut terminal.If communication with the sensor becomes impossible, ...
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