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I'm using a linear array of 3ea VL53L0X sensors to orient a robot with respect to a nearby wall. The assumption is that when all three sensors return the same distance, then the robot is parallel to the wall. The sensors are mounted on a PCB with a ...
I have two 3-element arrays on my 4-wheel robot, one on each side. I use the arrays for simple distance measurements, and also to orient the robot parallel to a nearby wall by turning it until the front and back VL53L0X sensors (separated by 8.5cm) ...
I have 7 VL53L0X sensors on a robot platform, all connected to a Teensy 3.5 via a very short I2C daisy-chain. I have all 7 configured for continuous measurement with a timing budget of 20mSec. The Teensy loops through all 7 sensors, retrieving dis...
When I use the normal Win10 'Add/Remove' programs utility to uninstall ST32Cube Programmer, I get the following error"Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin\javaw.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try ... have three VL53L0X sensors mounted in a linear array on a wheeled robot, pointing broadside to the direction of travel. In a recent test where the robot moved slow...