Imaging (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I can't use VL53L1x sensor from other micro controller.Because there is no related document(s).Please help me about its registers init sequence and reading sequence to measure distance. Regards.

I can use this senser only together ST micro controller.Also its freeware APIs not enough for this purpose.I think ST must provide neccessary support about this subject without need anycustomer feed back.( Because VL53L1X is belong you )Regards.

OOCAK.1 by Associate
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Why am I getting VL53L0X Error: -6?

I have a single 'known good' VL53L0X hooked up to an Arduino Mega 2560 through a bidirectional level shifter. When I attempt to initialize it I get the following output:Opening port Port open Arduino Hex VL53L0X Demo In Adafruit_VL53L0X::begin(29,1,...

FPayn.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Calibration

Hello I am new in the field of Tof sensors I would like to know how you proceed to carry out your calibrations? are there any software manipulations to perform? I read in a conversation in which you spoke about function and variable Xtalk .. If so, p...

MSAMB.1 by Associate III
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How to troubleshoot I2C bus sensor response problem?

I have a project where I am attempting to use six ST Microelectronics VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors grouped into two 3-element arrays for position/orientation sensing on an autonomous wall-following robot. I originally had both arrays installe...

FPayn.1 by Associate III
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Sensor test with evaluation cards

I am currently in the process of doing a study on the VL53L0X, VL53L1X, VL6180X, VL6180 sensor I carry out distance and air gap tests on each sensor, the goal is to choose the ideal sensor to carry out proximity detection for the access control. So I...

MSAMB.1 by Associate III
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