Feedback forum

This forum is to raise questions or provide feedback only linked to the community platform.

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Forum Posts

Detect Mis-Posted source code

It's good that the source-code button is now more visible:  but that doesn't help with the vast majority of posters who don't even think about ...


Resolved! Portal

I have registered and validated my email, got as farr as choosing a password but then an error happened. Help please  


Resolved! How do I email STMicroelectronics the company?

Hi,How do I email STMicroelectronics the company? I have basically looked everywhere in their contact pages and found zero contact email addresses, where I can ask for their help in private, regarding product information.How can I proceed? 

Resolved! Should I be reporting AI-generated nonsense responses?

In instances where they don't answer the question, or where they answer it incorrectly, I have been reporting these. Should I keep doing so?Does the ST community have a stance on whether or not AI-generated reponses are allowed? Is that stance in the...

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TDK by Guru
  • 21 replies
  • 26 kudos

Resolved! Distinguish "information" posts from questions

There's a lot of "information" posts appearing; eg, is all very good & useful but, in the activity listing, they are indistinguishable from user question...

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Resolved! ST "New Products" page listing old products

As the title says, the ST "New Products" page lists some products that are not new at all and out of the scope of the timeframe set on the same page.Example:At the point of writing this forum entry, the page, while set to "1 Month", lists the "HCC404...

DMeie.2 by Senior
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos

multiple notifications for the same post

These two notifications refer to the exact same post:He couldn't have mentioned me without making a reply, so I really don't need two separate notifications!EDITAnd why are the two email notifications sent 7 minutes apart?! 

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