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How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue :face_screaming_in_fear:  in each corporate company. “"Path bui...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


SPC56 PMU not working

Hi!When I trigger the built-in LVD self-test for the Power Management Unit by writing PMUCTRL.CTRL.B.SILHT = 1, the PMUCTRL_FAULT register immediately indicates a low voltage detector fault and the MCU goes into SAFE mode. If I trigger the HVD test b...

DaveJ by Associate II
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Resolved! SPC560 Analog read of a pin

I'm searching for a simple API call such as found on Arduino :theValue = analogRead(port);does such a thing exist?  Hoping for pal_lld_analogReadpad( PORT_x, pinNumber );I find in adc_lld.h there is an array of functions which I am unsure why they ex...

Bucko by Associate
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SPC56 aborted FCCU operation

I want to clear the FCCU flags on my SPC56 chip. From the test application generated by SPC5Studio, I have the following code:static void spc_clear_fccu_rgm(void) {/* FCCU CF errors clearing.*//* Clear FCCU CF Status Register0 errors.*/FCCU.CFK.R = 0...

DaveJ by Associate II
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Very slow initialization of eth1 on sr6g7

Hello,I have a problem regarding the slow initialization of eth1 on SR6G7 evbc6000 rev B board.The function xNetworkInterfaceInitialise() is failing multiple times, until it is succesfull.  From further investigation, I discovered that phy_check_id()...

andreih by Associate
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SPC56 Unclear instructions on using the STCU

I am developing a safety application on the SPC56EL60L3 platform. The reference manual RM0032 §43.1.3 outlines the steps for verifying the test results of the STCU (Self-test control unit). As I understand it, I first have to check the actual test st...

DaveJ by Associate II
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Resolved! S19 Files in SPC5Studio

I believe the following question has been posted in the wrong label by @Nagendrapeddina , hence I am posting here as it has not been answered:How to generate .s19 file using SPC5 studio? Is it possible to generate .S19 files in SPC5 Studio ? 

asn by Associate III
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How to generate .s19 file using SPC5 studio?

Hi All,I am using SPC50B60-L5 controller and spc5 studio (IDE) for building a project. And PEmicro multilink programmer for programming. I have built the project successfully. In build results I can see .hex, .elf, .bin out files but, I need .s19 fil...

Resolved! SPI Communication ( Single Master Multiple Slave)

Dear Community, I am working on an SPI-based setup where I have one SPI master and four SPI slaves, each connected to the master via their respective Slave Select (SS) lines. The configuration for the SPI master and the chip select lines is set up us...

Ali5 by Associate III
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