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How do I flash the STM32H743 board with using usb to uart converter?


I tried connecting BOOT0-3.3 V and PB7,PB6-RX,TX or PA10,PA9-RX,TX, but I get an error every time. What am I doing wrong? I also tried other speeds and holding RESET, but nothing helped.0693W000008ybiHQAQ.png


Holding in reset is only effective in SWD/JTAG context. With the System Boot Loader the coding running in the processor actually has to execute.

Is this a custom board?

Any signalling on other pins called out in AN2606?

The 0x7F data pattern is sent with EVEN PARITY, ie 8E1

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This is NUCLEO-H743 board but for power i use 5V in. Can you explain about AN2606 in more detail?

ST Employee

Hi @MZoto.1​ ,

Thanks for your feedback.

First of all you have to check that you are booting on bootloader.

To do this you can connect to SWD interface with STM32CubeProgrammer and use the MCU Core Register panel where you have to read the PC content.


  • if you are booting on Bootloader you will see an address starting by 0x1FF.
  • if the PC contains other addresses like 0x08xxxxxx that's mean that you are booting on flash.

This will help us to guide you in understanding the problem.
