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Does STM32CubeMX provide the user manual or technical explanation?


In order to configure the STM32F446ZCT MCU, there are many un-explained parameters I'd like to know in order to set up it correctly before the code can be generated.


Go to, click on Resources tab, and download the Datasheet and the Reference Manual.

Those will answer most of your questions.


You might try the videos on this site and on you tube.

I always assumed the CubeMX was a hunt-n-peck discovery tool for people what can't read good, or otherwise find technical documentation too challenging, or bothersome.

Most of the people here with a solid grasp of the hardware just program it in more direct ways.


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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

CubeMX conveniently finds all documents on specific MCU for you; RM, technotes, errata and so on.

Help-> Docs and resources (in old Cube versions, not sure for 5.x)

-- pa