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STM32CubeMX versions and code generation

Terje Bøhler
Associate II


Regarding STM32Cube version:

I launch my STM32CubeMX and do Help About

Which gives the following:

Version 5.1.0

STM32Cube V1.0

Q1: Is this the “latest & greatest�? STM32Cube version?

Regarding STM32Cube code generation (do I get new code?):

I launch the STM32CubeMX project file (.ioc)

I re-configure some TIM1 parameters (see attached picture):

I then want new code to be generated for this new configuration.

I do I File Save Project followed by a File Exit.

I cannot see that any of the source code catalogs have a new, updated time/date.

Q2: Do the STM32CubeMX really generate a new, updated (HAL, LL, …) software for my project?

Regarding TIM1 used as PWM generator while ADCs are in use:

I want to add a feature to my project: A need a fixed/constant 200kHz output-pulse.

I try to configure TIM1-CH2 (PA.09) for this purpose, but no pulse is generated (tried lots of “TIM1-variations�?).

Q3: Can I use TIM1-CH2 (PA.09) for this “PWM-purpose�? when I already are using ADC1 channel 1-16 (I assume the ADC’s are using TIM1 for some purposes)?

I really appreciate assistance to these issues.

BR Terje Bøhler

Joerg Wagner
Senior III

Answer #1: 5.0.1

Answer #2: Basically, yes.

Answer #3: Did you read the reference manual, "how to use this driver" in particular? PWM_Init(), PWM_Start().

Terje Bøhler
Associate II

Reg Q2 (do I get new code?)

How can I get updated my initializatin code (main.c)?

I did the following:

1) Doubleclick (lunch) my STM32CubeMX project file “X.ioc�?

2) From STM32CubeMX I changed GPIO-pin PB7 from todays configuration as an output pin with symbol name «PB7_200kHz_Pin» to a «Reset_state» (unused) pin – without any symbol name ("User label").

3) Then I do: Save Project As C:\STM\C93-Phase-2\C93-x19-FAT\ X.ioc

I here assumed the STM32CubeMX would generate an updated version of my inititialisation code (main.c). But my Keil MDK-ARM inititialisation code (main.c) is not updated. GPIO-pin PB7 is still defined as output – with label name «PB7_200kHz_Pin»

My Q is: How can I get the STM32CubeMX to generate new init code (main.c) containing the new GPIO configurations? I don’t see any “generate code�? feature in this STM32CubeMX tool? Have I overseen/misunderstood something?

I appreciate assistance ...

BR Terje Bøhler

ST Employee


In the right panel, there is "Generate code" button to generate your project.0690X000006DadOQAS.jpg

Kind Regards,


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