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Clarification on the NBL[3:0] when using 8 bit SDRAM on the STM32F429 in 8 bit mode.

Associate III

I am using the STM32F429 and interfacing some SDRAM which i have done before with no problem but in 16 bit mode. So the NBL0 and NBL1 where connected to the SDRAM and the system works very well.

Due to needing a few extra pins for general IO i am dropping the SDRAM back to 8 bits. Here is where i am a little unsure. When using 16 bits NBL0 connected to the SDRAM DQML and NBL1 connected to SDRAM DQMH. All good makes sense. If i am using 8 bits then you would assume that i connect NBL0 to DQM (formly DQMH) however this does not look right based on some of the example schematics. It looks like in 8 bit mode i need to connect NBL1 to DQM. The data sheet is woefully inadequate in the SDRAM section relating to the use of the NBL (Output Byte Mask) pins, at least i have been unable to find definitive details.




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Associate II

Could ST engineers please confirm if it's OK to ground 8-bit SDRAM DQM pin?