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I have quite a complicated case, where a interrupt is beeing executed, allthough it has been disabled, and its flag beeing cleared. At the same time interrupts are disabled, and i put a few nops in between just to rule out any delay related issues. T...
I had an issue, that i could not reproduce, because i could not restore the exact state of the project. The CubeIDE has its own version control for each file, which is of no great use, since the project consists of many files. Because of that i devel...
After editing the following post, there are newlines added: get added on every edit.
Hi,i have a micros() function, that i adapted from arduino library. It worked flawlessly so far, but i have made a discovery, that micros() did not work properly at one time. micros() returned a time, that had 772us less, than it should have returned...
Hi,i got quite some difficulties, having this run in a reliable way on a NUCLEO G431KBT6.It more often does not work, as it would work. It often just wouldnt print anything (But it had before, without issues!). Sometimes the swv debugger couldnt be e...