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In the __weak int16_t STC_CalcTorqueReference(SpeednTorqCtrl_Handle_t *pHandle) function The original ST code contains the below line code.hMeasuredSpeed = SPD_GetAvrgMecSpeedUnit(pHandle->SPD);hError = hTargetSpeed - hMeasuredSpeed;hTorqueReference ...
I am using the __weak void MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1( int16_t hFinalTorque, uint16_t hDurationms ) function, but i have small doubt on it, hope i get some answer. I am using throttle to use this function but the problem i feel is when the throttle i...
I want to use the flux weakening in my project using Workbench 6.2 i generated the code using the below settingwhen i select the speed control mode i can see the tab to select the Flux Weakening regulator.But when i select the torque control mode The...
We started using the L series of the ST Micro for a project and found that it does not have CORDIC functions. What is the best way forward? Do we need to implement on our own? Or we have to migrate to G4 series. 
I have enabled the Discontinuous pwm and ran the motor but it started rotating in reverse direction compared to when none is enable. With no Discontinuous mode all features are validated, now i want to test all of them with Discontinuous mode enabled...