2023-10-20 8:13 AM
I am using the __weak void MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1( int16_t hFinalTorque, uint16_t hDurationms ) function, but i have small doubt on it, hope i get some answer. I am using throttle to use this function but the problem i feel is when the throttle is 0 - 5% i am using MC_StopMotor1(); function and when throttle increases to some > 10% i use
if(IDLE == MC_GetSTMStateMotor1())
(void)MC_StartMotor1(); /* Start Motor */
MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1(g_qdreference_s.q ,0);
and throttle can frequently change between minimum and maximum the function stop and start motor are frequently called and i feel there is a kind of sound that happens. Instead of Stopmotor i tried using
MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1(0 ,0); that is make iq=0; but i feel there is noise which is happening using this function, this noise will not happen if i use StopMotor(). How do i proceed?
2025-01-26 7:07 PM
I think the sound comes because the motor is still engaged whereas MC_Stopmotor() will completely stop the motor.
Can you please explain me about this "g_qdreference_s.q" where did you get it from and what does it mean and how does it get updated?