Hello @tensaisakuragi06 ,Please refer to the following EEPROM Emulation example on GitHub for the STM32CubeF0:STM32CubeF0/Projects/STM32F091RC-Nucleo/Applications/EEPROM/EEPROM_Emulation at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF0 · GitHubAdditionally...
Hello @L42Liam ,Please review the following two FMC examples on GitHub for the STM32CubeH7:STM32CubeH7/Projects/STM32H7B3I-EVAL/Examples/FMC at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7 · GitHubThese examples demonstrate how to configure the FMC contro...
Hello @JRies , In the X-CUBE-AUDIO package, there are two projects that contain all the audio examples: STM32469I-Discovery and STM32746G-Discovery. You can choose one of these boards as a reference, open the project with Cube IDE, and then port it t...
Hello @Vignesh_V ,You can use the BSP examples and demos for EPD ( E-Paper display) available for the STM32L0, specifically on the STM32L0538-DISCOVERY board. These BSP examples can be found on GitHub and demonstrate how to use various EPD features...