2021-11-10 7:56 AM
I am working on Nucleo-h745ziq board. I initialize the azure-rtos h7 package, enable the Usbx and thread parameter .According the project that given in cubemx of Ux_Device__CDC_ACM accordingly I initialize the parameter only difference is that i enable the usb Fs instead of Hs .But i getting the error that shown in screenshot. For Usbx it is necessary to use the MPU.
In stm32cube ide in flash.ld we have compulsory add this below statements
._threadx_heap :
. = ALIGN(8);
__RAM_segment_used_end__ = .;
. = . + 64K;
. = ALIGN(8);
} >RAM_D1 AT> RAM_D1
Can some one help me. Because I first time working on azure Rtos. I did not have much knowledge of that.
2021-11-12 7:29 AM
Hi @MDeva.1
Normally you should use the the "static memory allocation" as suggested by STM32CubeMX Config UI.
if it is the case in your project then do not modify the flash.ld file.
you can use the "Example Selector" from STM32CubeMX to inherit the UX_CDC_ACM application for the STM32H723-Nucleo board, then you can use it as refererence to configure your own project for the STM32H745i.
2021-11-13 2:58 AM
I am using this example that you mentioned according to that i making the configuration. But i get this error Break at address "0xa05f0000" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.And when i connect the two usb my user usb port is not get detected why this happend ,according the setting is done in UX_CDC_ACM this example accordingly i make in my project.
Also accordingly I set the MPU base address.Then why this error is come? can you helpme.
2021-11-13 2:59 AM
2021-11-13 3:00 AM
2021-11-13 3:10 AM
2022-10-19 4:28 AM
Hi @MDeva.1 ! Have you been able to identify the root cause and fix your issues?