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I use stm32CubeMX to generate usb code with HSI clock.Though I can config with usb clock to 48MHz, But stm32CubeMX software display there is clock issue as below:So I wonder can stm32f103cbt6 usb work under HSI clock? 
stm32f429 ran in PCLK2 with 160MHz, and TIM8 prescaler division set to 0, auto reload set to 1.set up interrupt TIM8 update interrupt handler, just toggle PD4 pin out.when use oscilloscope to check the wave of PD4, just get around 2.3MHz. C...
I want do design a board with stm32h7b0zbt6, I found there is a Evaluation board with STM32H7B3LI MCU, but I couldn't find the schematic file, I just find the user manual file with RM2662, I wonder is the schematic file is opensource ?
I want to design a baord with stm32h7b0zbt6 with extranal sdram chip W9825G6KH-6. I get PG15 with FMC_SDNCAS alt func in datasheet as below:But when I looked the PG15 alt func config I get as below info, I could not found an alternate function number...
my cross compile tool version: ▸ arm-none-eabi-gcc -v Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=arm-none-eabi-gcc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/home/red/.local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.2.1/lto-wrapper Target: arm-none-eabi Co...
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