2024-08-28 12:17 AM
I am using the STM32F746 Nucleo board.
If you look at the example file, there is a binary (application fw) in the dfu-standard project file
I want to make my own application FW, but when I use the DfuSeDemo program to update the fw, it doesn't work. But the binary ("STM32746G-DISCOVERY_SysTick_0x08008000.dfu") in the provided example file works.
If you look at what I modified on the application side, what did I miss?
There are three points that I modified.
As shown below.
2024-08-28 1:32 AM
Why are you uning DfuSe instead of STM32CubeProgrammer? DfuSe is an old and deprecated tool.
2024-08-28 2:09 AM
The DfuSe program connects to the board, but the STM32CubeProgrammer does not connect.
2024-08-28 2:23 AM
Almost same issue here: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeprogrammer-mcus/can-not-connect-to-board-in-with-dfu-mode-only-after-initialize/m-p/713479
2024-08-28 6:06 PM
I used the DfuSe program. The application fw(STM32746G_DISCOVERY_SysTick_0x08008000.dfu) provided in the example file jumps, but the application fw I created doesn't jump, so I think there's a problem with the code I created.
Is there something I missed in the code I modified above?