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[STM32CubeProgrammer] failed to load external flash memory via bootloader

Associate III

hi i am using stm32f769 discovery board , i took one of the examples that provides with touchgfx , and everything work fine (program through st-link with STM32CubeProgrammer ) . but now i want to try to upload the program through the bootloader (with STM32CubeProgrammer ), so after erasaing the mcu and the external memory ,i succeed to connect to the bootloader and upload the software to mcu but when it getting to the external flash its failed .

and after reset of the mcu i can see the program in the screen with white boxes where the pictures should be . so its seems that mcu fine but STM32CubeProgrammer not recognzie the flash sector or some thing... 

will appreciate any help  


Associate III

any ideas?

Use the ST-LINK connection, pretty sure no-one writes 8MB of data at 115,200.

Not even sure if the watchdog would interact well with an erase/write on an QSPI NOR via the external loader.

You could try setting the debug/log output to maximal to get a clearer understanding of the failure.

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